
Ironic. McDowell once played the villain in an early COLUMBO - and thanks to 1970s trousers, there was NO doubt the man was packin' serious heat.

The neatest way of dealing with this (played straight) that I can think of is The Hunt for Red October, where they begin with all of the Soviet sub crew speaking Russian - until the Political Officer, reading from the Bible, lands on the word "Armageddon" , itself neither Russian nor English - and from there on the

TV Guide 's listing for RAZORBACK, literally for years, was "Arguably the best movie ever made about a giant mutant killer hog."

I've long thought that Heston really deserves some respect for being one of the few "name" actors who didn't dismiss science fiction roles as "Buck Rogers crap" in the changing SF world of the late 60s-early 70s. (The quality of his movies - the first two Apes films, The Omega Man, and Soylent Green - are variable

Coincidentally - or maybe not - most of the film was shot in and around L.A.'s Century City complex, where not too many years earlier an anti-Vietnam War protest turned into a riot sparked by over-aggressive cops. I suspect the backgrounds were almost subliminally familiar to many who'd seen the news coverage.

Apparently the "electronic music world" - including Russom, sadly - has completely forgotten Wendy Carlos, who was one of the first to popularize the genre…and who started her life and career as Walter.

Traditionally, the name came from all of the cops in the district being so on the take, they were eating tenderloin while other cops could only afford hamburger.

Almost a repeat of the original series. Zulu (Kono), Kam Fong (Chin Ho) and finally James MacArthur (Danny) left the show from the disparity in their pay and status from Lord (who infamously wrote a "corrective" letter to a publication that had described MacArthur as "starring in Hawaii Five-O" , noting that there was

His CRUSADE co-star Peter Woodward blurted out on the DVD commentary for that show, "he has the most incredible ass I've ever seen!"

I do like that Kelly signed on to XANADU with a strict agreement that he would act, consult on the dance sequences, but not dance himself…and got so caught up in it that he agreed to do a dance scene after all.



In short: bullshit, kid.

So, lessons learned:

I still don't know how I feel about this. I'm fine with the fact that Obama commuted her sentence; she was too harshly charged in the first place, given that she had no other route to bring to light what she did.

In full disclosure, Tony's been a friend of mine for about 20 years.

It's complicated. McDuffie and his fellow Milestone founders had sold the Dakota Universe rights to DC by that point, but the characters hadn't been incorporated into the DC Universe.

I think the CBC cartoon series of For Better or for Worse did storylines from a few different eras of the strip and matched the ages accordingly (the strip characters aged more-or-less in real time), but it's been a very long time since I saw it.

Miniseries (closed-end) by J. Michael Straczynski if we're very lucky.

At least one. With Roddy McDowell as either a demon or possibly Lucifer himself.