Jesus Built My Lizard

"A screwup woman who loves to read in an abandoned city must fend off a crook but she is only a doll."

The problem is they probably wouldn't vote against Trump if they knew what he would do in the future. Helen Beristain voted for Trump thinking that her husband, an illegal immigrant, would not be deported. When the deportation occurred she said that she wished she hadn't voted at all, not that she would have voted for

Unfortunately a lot of desirable people would like to fuck Sean Penn, Casey Affleck, and/or Chris Brown. Depressing, but true.

When I saw the link to this article the soundtrack was the first thing that came into my head.

I have no doubt that the Andelman brothers shook down the owners of D'Angelo's for a hefty sum of money before making that statement. The Phantom Gourmet is the worst food-related television show bar none, for a million reasons. Since none of them are related to the city of Chicago I won't go into detail about any of

And it deserves to be bought, not just listened to on Spotify.

I was hoping to hear about how he verbally abused Daryl Hall and his girlfriend Sara in the eighties . "What are you going to do Sara…smile?"

I like the song. I'm neutral about the punctuation mark.

Also, it’s easier for a Harvard grad to get their book published. A book about the trials of a grad from a school like Purdue or the University of Arizona wouldn't get any attention from a publishing house whose employees graduated with Ivy League degrees.

I refuse to believe that any Spoon record deserves less than high praise. I will own this new album in some, way, shape, or form by the end of the month.

Seeing Mulvaney's coat adorned with a shamrock makes me sick. As someone of Irish descent I'm all too aware that the Irish-Americans went from oppressed outsiders to the ethnic group most likely to side with the most repressive and bigoted elements of American society. He calls himself a Roman Catholic, and he doesn't

Dawn was the man! A very short, annoying man.

I'm a sucker for any movie where the characters are named after musical instrument brand names. Long live Gibson Rickenbacker.

John Powers Middleton is from Pennsylvania. That said, it seems like he's made no secret of his right-wing political bent, so Casey Affleck is full of shit when he says that he didn't know that his partner was a Trump supporter.

I thought it was common knowledge from the start that the Dukes of Stratosphear was an XTC side project. I don't remember it being presented as anything else.

What gives, cueball? I'm looking at you I'm thinking "fourteen in the side pocket".

Think of the reaction Mia would have received had she added the tagline "Sent from my IPHONE".

I'm glad I saw this movie, because it makes seeing all the backlash against it all the more entertaining. And I liked La La Land, much to my surprise.

Is it wrong that I prefer "Wasps Nests" to any other Stephen Merritt project save for "69 Love Songs"?

Anything was possible once we learned that Gerald McRaney was Jimmy Smits' father. This would have been implausible on any other show.