Jesus Built My Lizard

Last Night (199)

Those voters wanted to get rid of Obamacare, not the ACA. That's how well informed Trump voters are when it comes to current events.

Are Romy and Oliver involved? And does Young Thug make an appearance?

No, they're just frauds. Intellect is nowhere to be found in the conservative mindset.

You do know that you'll still be at the bottom of the social and economic food chain even if your fever dream of a dictatorship in the United States becomes a reality.

Do you really prefer the racists and misogynists that not only make up the Republican voting base, but a sizeable portion of their elected officials and cabinet members?

Normally I'd agree with you, but I'm curious to see how people react to the disingenuous tweets that Republican politicians and appointees are spewing forth. I'm sure DeVos thought the remark about trying to find a pencil was hilarious, but a teacher in an underfunded school might not be so amused. I like seeing the

In Massachusetts pho isn't that easy to find outside of Boston and the adjacent suburbs. I have to travel twenty minutes to find a Vietnamese restaurant. First world problems, I know.

DeVos is hell bent on fighting the War on Education on a national scale. And she was voted in by the Senators who represent the states that rank near or at the bottom of every metric that measures academic progress. Goodbye STEM, hello Jesus.

You bring up a project starring Larry Storch and Forrest Tucker and you fail to mention F Troop. For shame.

I agree. Twenty one Pilots as a musical guest for any show is bad.

I'm pissed that I wasn't in La La Land as well. I would have been terrific as the "angry neighbor" of Emma Stone's character when she was back in Nevada.

I would have tapped out of La La Land after the first five minutes if I wasn't watching it in the theater with family members. The decision to see it was made by my ninety year old aunt, so not sticking around would have been rather disrespectful. It grew on me near the end, but the first fifteen minutes were pretty

The easiest way to make twenty minutes fly by is to play Halleluwah.

The Republicans have been fighting the War on Education since the Reagan years. By nominating an anti-public school ideologue that gives generously to the GOP, victory is within their grasp, and they couldn't be more excited about it. What sucks is there's not a snowball's chance in hell that she won't be confirmed,

I will not stand idly by and let you besmirch the good names of Shifty, Smoothie, and D-Money.

Wham! was the musical act that cured me of my music snobbery. Or at least the tipping point. After hearing the Wham! Rap after listening to I Often Dream Of Trains one day in 1986 I knew I could like both without feeling embarrassed either way. Thank you George Michael.

I'm not much of a gamer and I rarely play them when there's daylight, but Witcher 3 kept me occupied for more hours at a time than any game I've played since Bioshock. Enjoy.

When I think of Bobby Cannavale in 2016 I'll remember him as the beleaguered Boston Globe reporter in "Stoplight", the mock movie preview shown in the episode of "Last Week Tonight" that addressed the future of newspapers given the decline of subscribers and dwindling revenues. "What the @$&% is CHORP?!?

If the rumors about Donald Trump's reading habits are true then you will have read one more book than he has in the past year.