Jesus Built My Lizard

I've seen the first three episodes. I found myself hoping that Jeffrey Donovan's character would ditch his wife and get Fiona and Sam Axe to help him track down the psychic who was making Mel Harris' life miserable. I was also hoping that "Snakeskin" by Deerhunter was the show's theme song and not just a song they

After reading the interview Susan Olsen did with Bizpac I'd be surprised if she didn't think Pizzagate was a true story.

McMahon's nomination will serve to deflect attention away from Trump's nomination of Scott Pruitt as the head of the EPA. The war on environmental protection officially begins on Inauguration Day.

Fritz, Florence, and Fidel. Your newest celeb trio.

"We've got poodle meat in the freezer!"

Also, "This American Life" featured several interviews with people from across the country and got their reactions about the election. Some voted for Trump, and others voted for Clinton. Some were military, some civilian. The only persons who came off poorly were the two policemen interviewed at the start of the show.

Not only does it come "complete with surface noise", but it also comes with "disposable information".

I've been looking forward to hearing the vinyl pressing of Autechre's "Tri Repetae" after Warp Records announced that they were reissuing the first three Autechre albums. Picked it up on Friday, and I've listened to it a few times this weekend.

On November 11 Warp is supposed to rerelease Autechre's first three albums on vinyl. I've already set aside the money I need to get Tri Repetae, but after listening to Amber after not playing it for about ten years I'm starting to think that I need to get that one as well.

Bronn also said that Kenny would be known as "Spurty McGoo" for life if the footage of him was released. That line made me laugh all weekend.

No Yes?

Not only did I get a nice warm chocolate chip cookie when I flew on Midwest, but I got to board the plane from the Milwaukee Airport tarmac using the portable stairs for the only time in my life. Good times. The plane was pretty small and old, though.

"In a world of jagged vacance thick with ice, one man could see for miles and miles."

Every time I see a friolator I remember the first time I made french fries with a hangover. The oil smelled more rancid than usual and the shift seemed to last an eternity.

I want Hillary to win for one reason only. The next president will determine the direction the Supreme Court takes for the next twenty years. Elect Trump and there's a real good chance that one or two of the new justices will have viewpoints similar to Ted Cruz's. At the very least Hillary will nominate more moderate

If they ever make a miniseries about this I hope that the episode featuring the firefighter woul be titled "Sex Ninjas" or "Mr. Delicious".

The funniest part was that Kent Easter started using the accent halfway through the call.

So this eliminates any possibility of a "Rectify" spinoff featuring Ted Jr., doesn’t it?

I am happy to see that The Spinanes made your list. Since your wife made the call to keep all three albums, you should probably have her choose what to keep from here on in. Or at least have some more inout.
I'm eager to hear what Tindersticks albums you plan to keep.

For a while Mara Wilson's picture was featured for an article with the title "Fifteen Child Stars Who Turned Out Hideous". I never clicked on it because there was nothing hideous about Ms. Wilson's picture. It was also a featured link from Scribol, which mercifully seemed to have gone away.