Jesus Built My Lizard

It's more likely that Trump will pass their names on to ICE than enlist them in the military.

Beach House's debut album.
The Late Great Townes Van Zandt
Kill the Moonlight - Spoon

And because you're a Daily Mail commentator, you'll still vote for the most odious right-winger on whatever ballot you vote with even if you had a shot with her.

Homicide was never the same after they dropped Melissa Leo from the cast. Fortunately she was able to thrive after they let her go.

Her role in Black Mirror was the first thing I thought of when I saw the headline. Whenever I see either Toby Kebbell or Jodie Whittaker in anything that episode of Black Mirror comes immediately to mind.

Please tell me you're not serious. We used to get Imus's show in Boston. I've never heard anyone take himself more seriously than Imus, and that's saying something when you're discussing talk radio hosts.

Copper Blue has been sitting in a shoe box next to my bed, begging me to give it a spin. I should probably do just that.

I choose to believe that Mike Pence doesn't know how to read.

Teen bands? I was in my thirties when I played You Forgot It In People every day for about seven months.

Where did I say that this was OK? My feeling is that Trump doesn't care about science one way or the other, but the evangelicals and climate deniers who have the administration's ear in the form of Mike Pence have a great interest in eliminating the concept of science with regard to policy decisions.

It's easy to pin this on Trump, but never forget that the Republican Party in general is anti-science unless instant profits are involved. The concept of long-term research and development is anathema to their belief system. These cuts would have been made if any of the other Republican candidates won the election.

I like On Land and the first half of Discreet Music, but for the most part I agree with you.

Bill Janovitz of Buffalo Tom fame sells high-end real estate in the Greater Boston area.

But…the NBA and NHL Playoffs!!

"Under Ice" seems like a phrase that you can use as a title for a movie about torture and/or murder. I don't think you can say the same for "Running Up That Hill", though.

Matt Lauer's the face of the network that aired The Apprentice.

After the second season I decided that I'd be OK if the show runners decided to diverge from the books and created a show that focused on Tyrion, Varys, and Bronn getting in and out of trouble in Kings Landing. I'd keep the other Lannisters around, with Cersei's growing alcohol problem and her eventual downward spiral

Of all the records listed above the new Girlpool record is the one I'll probably pick up first. I picked up the first one after reading a lukewarm review of it online someplace. The reviewer's description of their music reminded me of the Trouser Press Guide review of the Marine Girls albums - they didn't like them,

No, I don’t have to give any credit to anyone who thinks ESPN is too liberal. I'll just dismiss anything they have to say about the subject.

That’s what friends are for.