Jesus Built My Lizard

Or no Christian Brothers. Or no No Name # 1. No one's list of essential Elliott Smith songs will look like someone else's. That said, this list is pretty good but I agree with you that Figure 8 is overrepresented here.

I've seen a few reviews of Junk and this is the first positive one that I've read. I know I'll own it by the end of the month, but after a quick listen to a couple of the songs my ardor for the new album cooled down a bit.

What bugs me the most about Greenwald's GoT recaps was his weekly reminder that he has no interest in reading ASOIAF. I'm also convinced that, while he hasn’t read the books, he has read every on-line blog post about Jon Snow's lineage.


Just public school teachers who belong to unions. That's been the right-wing narrative for the last twenty years.

In a perfect world Mark Furman would be struggling to find work as a part-time security guard twenty years after the O.J. Simpson trial. Instead we live in this one, and he's a highly paid media figure working for the network that caters to his bigoted world view.

So you're hoping for the show to turn into the story about the birth of Big Tree Records. I like it! We've already had an England Dan & John Ford Coley sighting - could Lobo be next?

I own a copy of 33 1/3's book on Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works II. How is Lolita Nation too noncommercial for its own book? Maybe it's because the former is more readily available, but I wouldn't call it a record that has widespread appeal.

I was surprised as well. For some reason I thought he died from a heart attack.

Whenever I see or hear someone gripe about how long it's taking George R. R. Martin to complete ASOIAF I always think about how it's unlikely that Robert Caro will finish the LBJ biography.

Roxy Music has a song called "Serenade" on their Stranded album. The line "from courtly love to costly game" hit my ears as "from courtney love…" because was fond of a girl named Courtney when I started listening to it. This was before Hole or Nirvana hit it big.

I'm not familiar with Kulap Vilaysack, but the idea of a house hunting trip turning into "The Descent" sounds absolutely wonderful.

I was hoping that someone would bring that up in the article/interview. I'm glad they brought up Pablo Cruise, since more people - even teenagers - were listening to Pablo Cruise than the Cure in 1981. Sad, but true.

If someone interviewed Steve Albini about Please Kill Me six months from now he'd probably make the same negative comments about that book as he did about this one. His comments on this book were the most predictable thing about this column.

Welcome to the world of the fans of "The Shield" who read the reviews of the episodes of the first six seasons on this site. Fortunately there was a poster named Wallflower who would post reviews in the comments section that pretty much rendered the posted review obsolete.

Are you not paying attention to the Republican war on the Affordable Care Act and Planned Parenthood? I'd say their antipathy towards both shows a lack of concern towards working families.

The reference to anti-abortion types as "pro-life" makes me angry. For the most part they don't care one bit about the babies after birth, and they vote for politicians determined to eliminate any aid for the children they might need after they've left the mother's womb.

I think "Modern Life is Rubbish" by Blur had about fifty silent tracks before you could hear the two bonus songs. Ah, the early nineties. I don't have much use for the first of the two bonus tracks, but the second one was pretty good.

But is it a big ship?

Of the Mastodon records I've heard Leviathan is my favorite. It's a shame that the band was killed by the White Walkers last summer.