Jesus Built My Lizard

The only consistently readable feature in the Quietus is the Baker's Dozen, where they let the artists do most of the talking. For the most part reading the Quietus makes me feel like I'm reading the most miserable music snobs on the planet.

My guess is that Zack can't bring himself to watch "Black Market" again just yet, and needs time to build up enough strength to endure it.

Peter Facinelli reminds me of Eric Balfour in that he's someone who network execs like more than the general public. There's something innately unlikable about both of them that makes them flop as a star of a show. In my opinion.

Nuka Cola
Toasted Ravioli

Isn't Paul LePage already a mutant ogre?

I always held out hope that Breaking Bad would show Ken as a homeless guy with his Bluetooth still lodged in his ear, but it never came to be. I'll take this, though.

I'm willing to give this show a long leash due to its subject, but nothing about the pilot gave me a reason to watch it again. I'll tune in next week, but they killed off one of the two characters I found interesting. Hopefully we see more of Lester in the coming weeks.

On some level you have to admire Taco Bell. While all the other fast food places are bending over backwards to publicize their healthy alternatives to their regular menu, Taco Bell is doubling down and offering more items that seem like they have twice the calories than their standard fare.

Ronny Cox was only nine years away from becoming Dick Jones in Robocop. I feel old.

I only knew Richard Masur as the guy from One Day at a Time an License to Drive when I saw "Who'll Stop the Rain". He was a lot more convincing as a bad guy than I ever thought possible.

I toyed with the idea of buying the 18 CD set, but when I told someone about this they asked me if I even owned eighteen Bob Dylan albums. I do, but then I realized that I didn't really need to shell out a fair amount of money so I can hear multiple versions of "Visions of Johanna". At least not at this time.

I don't think I've ever heard either of the two Dylan songs from this movie, but an "undistinguished original" Dylan song from the eighties might be better than a lot of his "awful" eighties songs.

I'm having a hard time imagining Mike Francesca talking about sports with a twenty-something female without being at least a little condescending towards her. I'll have to listen to it, though. I never thought that after the separation of Mike and the Mad Dog, Francesca would end up being the better solo act.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Show me someone who brings up Benghazi when Hillary Clinton's name is mentioned, and I'll show you someone who wanted to invade Iraq on 9/12/2001.

I was happy to see The Weeknd get nominated, but Sam Smith is exactly the kind of musician the Academy favors.

I agree. I like how random selection pop up during the course of the marathon. There are the ones you watch from start to finish (The Midnight Sun, It's a Good Life), the placeholders you watch while flipping back and forth between bowl games or the other marathons (Kick the Can, A Penny for Your Thoughts), the guilty

Doughnuts - is there anything they can't do?

Not having Mad Men Season 7 Part 2 on Netflix means I can't answer 90% of the Mad Men questions on QuizUp.

Clayne Crawford's presence on this list made me forget all the other people who were left off. Ted Jr. isn't someone I'd ever be friends with, and I doubt he'd like me very much, but Crawford makes me sympathize with someone who I normally would hate. In some ways Ted Jr. is right to feel the way he does - until

So if the movie was "The Electric Light Orchestra Meets the Phantom of the Park", we'd be talking about Jeff Lynne's alleged coke problems? Yeah, we probably would.