Jesus Built My Lizard

I disagree with Noel's opinion that the scene with Bob and Yolo was too long. I felt it was perfect. Bob's been belittled and bullied for so long that he's used to it, and Yolo's physical abuse is the logical extension of the way the Clover Hill shot at Bob when he confronted them. When he fought back and won out, we

Michelle Shocked declaring herself a homophobe threw me for a loop. It didn't surprise me that Ted Nugent and Dave Mustaine are right wing loons, but even knowing beforehand that she converted I didn't think she'd fly off the deep end like this. Did she forget that she actively courted the women listeners back in the

You can read it here:

It's just Gardocki. Sounds Polish to me, but I could be wrong.

I liked the scenes in "The Spread" where Lem and Ronnie try to ingratiate themselves with the basketball player, whereas Shane didn't care until the white woman showed up for her booty call. It was the first glimpse of Shane's "issues" with anyone outside the strike team, particularly those who don't have the same

This. I just took a cursory look at the thread and already saw a few references to characters who don't show up for at least two more seasons. There's probably enough pent up commentary for an entire site devoted to comments on future events. That said, IMO The Shield is one show where one or two spoilers won't really

I admit - I liked the scenes where there was no music whatsoever, and there was a buzzy noise that fit the scene where Melody called out Kathryn on her act of noblesse oblige as an antidote to the bigger issue of the deaf people being denied their own place of learning.

You're right about Daphne being a hypocrite when she used her phone to contact her mother after she had everyone else give up their tablets and phones. I understand why she requested that everyone stop tweeting their photos of them drinking beer inside the school, but she stepped over the line. That said, the boy who

Our tenth grade English teacher had us read the script for "The Shelter" in class one day. One of the local TV channels had just started to air "The Twilight Zone", and I had seen the episode a few weeks prior to the reading, so I knew that Jack Albertson was in it. Before we started reading another student mentioned

I worked with a woman who attended college with Yancy Butler, and we were at a wedding right before Hard Target was released. She was convinced that Yancy was going to be a big star, and that Hard Target was going to be her launching pad. This wasn't a woman given to hyperbole - she honestly thought Yancy Butler would

Death Wish 3 for me. I saw the first two as well, but Death Wish 3 is so ridiculous that I'll remember it until I die.

Some ideas for possible independent state shows should "The Americans" meet its demise a la Terriers.

And Kristen Bell was on the second season opener of The Shield. And she wasn't even listed in the opening credits.

That had to be the tackiest car crash I've ever seen. Ever. I can't wait to see how Happy Place handles it on their Facebook recap.

How about albums where the first two songs are the worst on the album? Blonde on Blonde fits this description. "Rainy Day Women #12 and #35" and "Pledging My Time" are pretty meh, but the rest of the album deserves all the plaudits it has received.

"Turn on the Bright Lights"  and Roxy Music's debut popped into my head as soon as soon as I saw the title of the article, and on both albums, the third track is even better than the first two. (NYC and If There is Something).

Ok, the plea to watch this show today worked for me, and I liked what I saw in the rebroadcast of last weeks episode and tonights first run. The scenes where Lea Thompson's character tried to ingratiate herself with her daughter and her classmates made me wince a good way, and it didn't bother me that Lea and Joe

Just do it!

I have a soft spot for "Draw the Line", and "Get Your Wings" isn't as good as the other three, but for the most part you're right about Aerosmith. At least that's the way I felt about their records when I listened to them more than I do now. Motley Crue's existence is justified only by "The Dirt", and not by any of

I was a little disappointed with the Jethro Tull episode, because the title "The Seed Drill" is pretty awesome. I'm with you on the Hall and Oates episodes. "What are you going to do, Sara? Smile?"