
So then
it's another white guy?

Hey! I like the sound of this. But then again, I'm the only one I know that likes The Other Guys.
I do have a thing for Wahlberg though

No more.

I love Mad Men and True Blood.

In the books
I believe in the books SPOILERS AHEAD that Eric and Sookie are a couple or hook up or something, but if that happens in the show I will lose it. I will prolly throw a fit and stop watching.
Is it just me or has anyone else just grown to hate Sookie?
I would really rather just have a spin-off show where

I really want to see this and hope it's good. The cast has so much potential. I love Yelchin and Tennant.

Happy Endings has its moments. It's not awful.

Jonathan Nolan?
Oh, now I am definitely interested.

I know
I won't be seeing this.

That would be fantastic. I'm totally at a loss for who it should be. My brother says Jeff Bridges should be Haymitch.

I just want to know
who is playing Haymitch!

This one
was not that bad.
I also cringed when they started to sing in the monologue, but it was kinda funny so it was okay.
And I LOVED the Lonely Island song! I knew it was going to be funny and then it totally blew me away. I laughed so hard.
The Paul Brittain sketch at the end took my by surprise cos I think he is

I saw this yesterday!
I really liked it. Tom Hiddleston (Loki) totally stole the show for me. I thought he acted wonderfully and was written very well.
I didn't want to see this because I thought the trailers were less than desirable, but it was totally worth it. Stay for the special ending after the credits for sure.

Actually, it's Ms. Cycy but thank you all for wishing me a happy birthday!
And since Thor apparently is not bad at all (even though the horrendous trailers tell me otherwise. Advertising fail, I suppose) I will be seeing it this weekend.
But yeah, Community is gonna rock

So I am
Totally soooo excited for Community tonight. It's my birthday, and my favorite TV shows are on tonight. It is fantastic.

When he isn't Wolverine
I don't like him.
I dunno what it is, I just like to think that he's Wolverine all the time.

I am also a mega Waltz fan!

Gilly I could live without, but I actually like the Penelope character!

Ohmygod, I want to start watching Castle so bad. It isn't on netflix though, so I dunno how I'll get my Fillion-fix once I finish Firefly, Serenity, and watch that sing along blog thing Whedon did.

Guy Pearce!