

I may be the only one who thinks this
I think he is kinda handsome…in a non threatening way. Like Adam Scott.


That sounds really cool. I might play that.

I know this will never happen but
I just wish they would release the vote counts..

Steve Ells
I love the references to his other-worldliness/godliness. Gets me laughing every time.

I like Ed Helms.

I read the book, it was fine.

I laughed
when Dean asked if Balthazar cared whether the people on the Titanic died and he said something like

Question is
Will I watch this?

Currently watching
I am watching the knights of the realm skit as I type and literally the only thing that I paid attention to was at the beginning of the skit when Paul Brittain was the BBC news guy.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid but
I'm worried that with so long of a wait after this whole negotiations debacle is done that the show will lose momentum and people will either forget or won't care anymore.
Early 2012 can't come soon enough.


I was hoping this would get a good review, I was sorta dissapointed since The Adjustment Bureau was not favored (I wanted to see it, perhaps I was hypnotized by the stylish hats and Slattery). But anyway, can't wait to check it out.

So, are these books good? My 14 year old brother loves all three but I don't know whether I should take his word for it since he doesn't read much. I am interested if they would be worth reading though.

Indeed. A Fringe renewal would make this a very perfect day. Actually, it would prolly make any day very perfect….

For the sake of this comment, I'm going to assume that they are equally favorable.

Didn't read article yet
But I would like to say that the headline makes me very happy. So happy for Parks and Community!

I really liked this episode. It had me amused if not laughing out loud (except for the first skit, The Talk. That one was SO bad).
Also, I thought the Catchphrase Comedy one was funny, I loved Galafianakis, Boston Powers, and Paul Brittain with his accent and outfit…

I know I'm a little late posting but…
I seem to have developed an irrational love (?) for that new guy, Paul Brittain. Don't know why, but I do hope he stays on the show.