
oh man…this album is pretty awful on first listen though. I hope it improves but…IS HE SINGING SPANISH ON THE LAST TRACK?!

TOTBL is still one if my favourite albums. It's just a great, atmospoheric city album. I'm from London but NYC still gives me shivers.

Hi!I'm back.

I've been doing the same thing as your friend.I think this is a fucking masterpiece. I felt the same at first but after a few listens it completely clicked.it is an astonishingly ambitious album and they only just have enough talent to realise it. That they did demands respect from me.I mean,he had the guts to learn

I agree with Badger.

I think Moon should be in the New New Cult Canon series.

Ah man, they took out the vagina smuggling? That would have made the film SO much better.

In the UK they use that music as the intro to Sky Sports News over clips of happy fans on the way to the football. It really wierded me out for ages. I love football! Saturday's are good! I don't want to be reminded of the most depressing movie I have ever seen!

They clearly didn't have enough time to implement the vast world that they had in mind with all the Mako stuff. There was just nothing of any interest on any of those planets. Hopefully there will be more interesting side mission like Fallout or Oblivion because the main plot arc levels were pretty sweet.

Fahrenheit (Inigo Prophecy) started brilliantly but quickly became a bizarre slog that took away most of the freedom that it initially gave players and became an exercise in pressing buttons to further an increasingly shit story. With the opening diner sequence it tricks you into thinking that its going to be

Taken is a hilariously dumb movie. I particularly like the first 1/2 hour where Neeson's character warns everyone how incredibly dangerous Paris is. Paris! She's not going to fucking Angola! Liam Neeson was right though - goddamn sex traffickers EVERYWHERE. You're lucky if you make it out of the airport.

Can i just say that I am extremely excited about the new Chris Morris film. Yes I am.

Agreed about Colin Farrell for In Bruges.

Awful flashbacks from my teenage years…
…you've got Pure Garage 2 in a list of the greatest electronic music from the past decade?! WTF? Do Americans actually rate Garage as anything but the worst dance movement to ever happen? ok, ok, early Garage was half decent and it went shit when it became mainstream. But that

Obviously this list is gonna be more focused on U.S tv and its understandable leaving stuff like Peep Show out but I'd also like to nominate The Thick of t, which I think is probably the best comedy of the last decade full stop.

I love Willem Defoe…
…but this is one of those interviews that's nothing more than a load of pretentious actor noodle-wank.

Weren't most of the songs that made up the 1st album written before they made the a series and were written to be performed in their stage show? They would be better stand alone songs than those written for specifically for season 2, which were a bit hit or miss. I can't imagine songs like Too many dicks would be

I would say there is a certain Coen Brothers canon that is disputed by very few as utterly brilliant films:

Oh, and brass eye and The Day Today should most definitely be on the list.

Dan? Dan? DAN? DAN?! DAAN?! DAAAN?!!! He hasn't heard me.. DAN!DAN!DAN!