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    But Peggy's the protagonist here. In Captain America she's the love interest (she's tough-as-nails amazing ofc but still the love interest) so there's no need to really go any deeper, but when it's her show, it's important to tell us more about her.

    that's definitely a clue that she hates being called Marge, then

    Mm I think Michael was more thinking that being a spy would be an adventure, I doubt he'd think it had the same level of risk as being on the front line

    This episode was one of the funniest in a while.

    I still root for Bellamy/Raven even though it's been 453345 years since they had sex in s1 and Bellamy's got a gf

    man i really had to suspend disbelief at Bellamy's ott reckless behaviour trying to find Clarke. He's been on the ground way too long to be that unaware. It was like the writers wanted him & Clarke to have to interact at least once.



    I really loved Tracy as well, maybe it's because she's stunningly gorgeous but I think the actress really nailed her scenes.

    i'd love to get some actual information on the "evolved" werewolf fully changing thing. bc Peter could do it when he was an Alpha. Derek can now, but couldn't when he was an Alpha. Theo can. Malia could but now she can't.
    there's 0 logic to it and i'm not surprised

    yeah i agree about Eichen House, it's just so poorly handled by the writers & i think Erica and Boyd have legitemately been forgotten??
    it would have been funny if Scott had added Allison's initials and then paused and added Boyd's and Erica's and Aiden's and Heather's and Matt's and that girl that died camping's

    Teen Wolf stopped knowing what to do with Derek at the end of season 3. I'm kind of glad he's gone bc all his attempted storylines (e.g losing his powers etc) have been epically awful

    The Parrish/Lydia stuff is so so gross, I just don't see the point & why would they want to go there??
    I wasn't noticing Derek's absence at all but then let's be honest he started to become irrelevant in like season 3

    nah i do think pll has "destined" couples i.e. Ezra/Aria (so gross! child/adult student/teacher let's not go there) Hanna/Caleb, Spencer/Toby & probs Paige/Emily they're all here to stay

    mm but trans is short for transgender & you can't say "a transgender". also pretty sure transsexual is an insult (?)

    yeah Britt's always dressed more softly masculine compared with lipstick Santana. Like Brittany's got a lot of dungarees & cat t-shirts and things

    clarklexa i thought

    loved hearing Jane and Xo speaking in spanish in this episode

    If he was Rafael and Jane would be together for like 5 years and get married and then in the very last episode they'd break up with and Micheal and Jane would get together with no build up whatsoever

    It's not gonna be 2. It'll be 1 or 3 mostly likely (probably 3)