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    let's not forget the blaine puppet episde

    Cece's whole storyline was offensive

    yeah it creeped me out too

    they couldn't make Nick & Jess dating work. But the build-up was some of this show's best ever episodes

    that line was so disgusting. i was kinda diisappointed that Cece didn't hit him

    that schmidt line was beyond gross. It made the whole episode skeevy

    Why do the ark people even know about football stadiums to begin with?
    Was there a sports arena wing?

    I think the problem with new girl is that it cant top the home straight of its second second season, so I'm always a bit disappointed bc of the high standards I've got for it. Series 4 has been pretty dire in comparison

    I kind of want more characters like him, tying "the 100" back to the ark in a way. I just want to find out more of the kids' backstory on the ark (like Murphy's parents, Finn & Raven's history, Bellamy and Octavia's, Jasper and Monty's etc.)

    Same! I was looking forward to watching the two of them guiding the grounders & "sky people" to work together. ugh.

    "Introducing Octavia back into the group is refreshing, and immediately her character feels the benefits" I agree with this so much, putting Octavia back with the group was what the character needed. Her motivation for being with the grounders never hit home really but her love for Bellamy/her people is what the show

    I really hate how 12 is cut from the exact same heartless mold as bbc sherlock, it's just lazy writing on moffat's part

    Octavia's storyline is annoying bc it's all about Lincoln, when I don't really remember their "love" being such a huge thing last series & I aggressively don't care about it either. I think they should of had Octavia and another one of the 100 in the grounder camp. Because then they could have written conversations

    to be fair, finn was more about not wasting time fighting when it wasn't advantageous. The 100 trying to kill each other last series was a huge waste of time & energy
    But killing that grounder made total sense from a purely logical point of view

    This is one of the best new shows on tv at the moment. I LOVE the ridiculous over the top drama cos its just self-aware enough that it works

    This episode was kind of meh i suppose. I liked the opener and I still love the deadpool plotline. But I felt like this episode was just treading water in terms of plot progression (but which I mean: still no explanation of where Isaac is. No mention of Kate or Gerard either etc.)

    Derek and Peter should start a "pointless characters" club

    Most of this is speculation. I kind of want it explained on the show. And the Peter thing, I meant that scene where he kills Jennifer and announces his "dastardly plan as an alpha" and then it wasn't followed up the whole of 3B. What is his purpose on the show anyway?

    good point about the "how threatening they are" thing. That would explain why the pack are relatively low

    I'm pretty sure he's really dead. Still a disappointment though.