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    I liked the pilot repeat thing. It was a nice bit of nostalgia & a return to Teen Wolf's roots.

    Good episode. The best so far in my opinion. I'm actually interested in the "dead pool" storyline which I think is clever and much better than bringing a new mythical baddie to town. I prefer having hunters as the bad guys.

    If they go with Lydia/unrealistically young and good-looking Deputy Parrish I will be annoyed because a) why does everyone need a love interest? and b) massive age difference on the show, so its gross (even though they look okay together, but that's because Holland Roden is actually 27)

    Tbh, Teen Wolf probably couldn't do a feral girl trying to fit back into society storyline properly, which is why we've got Malia who is just a contradiction by being in some ways normal and others not, with no logic behind it, other than making her sexually adapted so she can date Stiles.

    Love triangles can be good, but let's face it: on Teen Wolf probably not. However, I think on some level Lydia already had feelings for Stiles (she kissed him, all that hugging in the finale, they danced together etc.), so it wouldn't be out of the blue for her to admit to feeling something for him.

    I'm pretty sure she is a murderer already (being a mercenary) but at least she's honest about it, which beats most of Derek's previous girlfriends

    They just can't ignore the development that went into Stiles/Lydia imo. Why bother putting that much effort into a potential couple to drop them instantly?

    Teen Wolf is best when it doesn't try to have too many plot threads in the air, I think it gets too ambitious and then has to tie them up in overly simple ways (the nogitsune can't be two things at once so turn him into a werewolf bullshit was way too obvious and disappointing in the 3B finale for example)

    I thought this episode was a lot better than the last two, I like Teen Wolf the best when it doesn't take itself too seriously and focuses more on a) actual teen drama and b) how ridiculous a situation these kids are in (read as: Stiles thinking they had to skip school to investigate a homicide)

    I wish they'd have done an outcome of Coach and Malia's bet, I know that Liam got injured or whatever but I thought the bet had comedy potential; they should have ran with it

    I was kind of annoyed about the tie back to Stiles' red yarn, but that's just because I always saw that scene as a Stiles/Lydia thing and I thought it was kind of cheap to re-brand it as Stiles/Malia (I'm definitely biased though; I just can't get behind Stiles with Malia)

    I've been rooting for Sheriff/Melissa since season 1, literally

    I completely forgot that Derek hadn't told the pack about his relationship with Kate before this ep.

    Teen Wolf can't really handle "repercussions" of actions/storylines in the long run. They tend to just gloss over it and move on, which works for some things but for major plot points like Alison's death imo they have to do more follow up than just mentioning it occasionally

    so true

    I think that kiss was also a copy of really early Teen Wolf, when Scott used to kiss Allison to control his powers/use her as an anchor etc. Malia/Stiles is not very original and definitely forced imo.

    The reviews are great, so please keep doing them. They actually critique the writing from a stand point of someone who knows the previous season. Please continue them, I created this account mostly to ask for that, so I’m not above begging.