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    What annoyed me about this episode was all the unreliable narrator stuff as relates to that comment about Michael loving Jane until his final breath, because in s1 it implied that Michael would a) get back together and end up with Jane or b) die soon before he could get over her. It implied that Jane/Raf wasn't sewn

    Feel like I've got to reply, because I 100% agree they need to change up the Luisa/Rose dynamic

    Luisa's at the wedding! She's in the background in the promo for next ep.

    Jake and Amy is a rare example of two characters getting together and their dynamic remaining pretty similar to what it was before they were official. It works really well.

    I loved the callback to Jane's salsa fantasy thing in season 1. & i like how Jane can't dance salsa but loves it, so plenty of fantasy!Janes are salsa dancers.

    I especially loved when Alba offered Xiomara a cup of tea before remembering that it wasn't really their house

    I read somewhere that they're just going to cross out the Virgin part on the title card when Jane has sex. That's easy and doesn't involve killing Michael.

    Mm I wasn't a huge fan of this episode. I think because the whole situation with Michael's parents fell flat for me.

    I really think that they won't kill off Michael. It doesn't seem like it would work with the tone of the show. Plus this show wouldn't handwave away the aftermath of his death: funeral mourning etc. but that kind of long, sad, story arc seems like it wouldn't fit on JtV

    Yeah i was waiting for his playboy past to reemerge

    I bet that "war crimes" thing was real but M. Carter was her brother Michael

    On any other show, "girl cries while trying to lose her virginity" would be some big joke, here it was a nice character moment & you really felt for Jane

    Mm i'm really, really hoping he doesn't die & it's a they lived happily ever after situation.
    I kind of feel like that line was a way of saying Jane/Michael wasn't over even when it really seemed like it in s1

    Abuela did say something about Jane's relationship with God when they were having that talk though

    I really appreciate that someone (Bellamy) FINALLY called Clarke out on being willing to let a bomb drop on Octavia in TonDC

    The costuming/set design in Agent Carter is always so gorgeous & Peggy's outfits have been so great this season as well. I hope they win that make up/styling award

    Winston's rose patterned sweatshirt was v nice

    i wish they'd waited a bit to throw a wrench into Sousa's new relationship. Did it have to be the very episode that they got engaged in??

    I feel like MCU Sharon is a descendant of a different brother of Peggy's

    Punching sexist guys is her past, present and future