
I happened to flip to a TCM airing of "Funny Girl" just in time to see the "Don't Rain on My Parade" sequence, and I have to say that the combination of the song, her performance of it, the sequencing, and the wardrobe erased a lifetime of poking fun of both Streisand and the song: it's pretty remarkable.

That's not a scooter; it's a Vespa.

That's not a scooter; it's a Vespa.

Any word on whether this is an intentional Jane Eyre reference?

Any word on whether this is an intentional Jane Eyre reference?

Is it wrong for me to hope that this becomes the number one hit of the summer, just so that I can have conversations about how terrible it is?

Is it wrong for me to hope that this becomes the number one hit of the summer, just so that I can have conversations about how terrible it is?

Am I the only one who kinda liked the first Hulk movie? It was at least an attempt at doing something weird with the comic book movie formula.

"a much more clever name"

I came here to post this only to find it here, from a user with a much clever name than my own.

Isn't it possible that PETA knows this is an absurd thing to protest, but they also know the publicity value that comes from this—now viral—video game parody of a beloved video game mascot?

"its standards."

I think you're missing the humor in this movie. See, the joke is that Adam Sandler, in drag, plays a woman that Adam Sandler, as a man, doesn't want to have sex with. But she exists, anyway. How annoying for him!

The case against Richard isn't nearly as strong as Shakespeare makes it out to be (he's all but twirling a mustache from the opening lines of RIII.

Right. The Tudors ended that period of uncertainty and war. Henry's marriage to Elizabeth effectively ended the dispute (and led directly to Elizabeth I).

Yes: my point certainly wasn't to criticize Shakespeare, but to point out that historical BSing isn't new. A good story of historical BS about Shakespearean intrigue would be karmically fair (and probably pretty fun to watch).

The lesson we should all take from this is that Guy Fawkes jokes are always funny.

And to be elitist! I mean, the guy wrote 8 histories that, taken together, become a really, really long love letter to Queen Elizabeth I's line.

I would never defend the anti-Stratfordian crowd, but this movie—were it, you know, good, would be Shakespearean. After all, Shakespeare created Lady Macbeth, absolved Banquo, and turned Richard III into one of history's greatest monsters because those things made for good plays.  The greater crime here seems to be

I'm pretty sure I saw a show on this tour. He had a record player and a box of records on stage with him. As I recall, he played a Madonna song ("Like a Prayer," maybe?) and led the audience in a singalong. I found it charming. He then played something else—maybe Minor Threat—between the main set and the encore.  He