
Seems like somebody on the writing staff's studying for the GRE or something.  Lots of vocabulary humor in there ("renumerate," "manumission")

"Horseman, Pass By"
Or, set the thing in Atlanta and call it "The Falcon cannot hear the Falconer."

This show is basically
Entourage-style wish fulfillment for hipsters.

I have to second this: the book is fantastic. I don't want to give too much away, but it's inspired by early French cinema (which you see a little bit of in this trailer). I think it's the perfect source material for a Scorcese kids' film.

Ahem—it's "bait and switch."

The problem with this movie…
is that, thanks to "Se7en" and "The Usual Suspects," you know the minute Kevin Spacey shows up that he's John Galt. And that he killed Gwyneth Paltrow.

Post Made Entirely of Obscure Andy Griffith Show References
Can't we just "call the man" and "nip this in the bud"? Or shoot someone with the one bullet we keep in our pockets, away from our unloaded gun? Also, Gomer Pyle.

Not to pile on—I've never really disliked you—but, HDB, you should know that "affection" and "affectation" are two different words.

Little Room
I thought of that song, too, when I first heard the news of their breakup. Thanks for succinctly expressing—more or less—my thoughts on the matter.

The Simpsons have ruined the Kennedy accent for me. All I hear is "It's Chow-dah! Say it, you moron!"

I noticed that silliness, too. Fortunately, it didn't ruin the scene or anything.

—late night practice in the rain (and Tim being left behind to walk home)
—church scene at the end of season 3 where Coach lets Tami—and us—know silently that he's been pushed out
—season 5: the guys sitting outside talking while coach listens during the road trip
—Smash's exit

The last 4 episodes of season 3 through the first 4 of season 4 is one of the best stretches of television, ever.

Christ, next time just ask for it:

There it is.

I would much rather watch Epyck (?) mope around with Mrs. Coach than Julie, who has stopped the momentum of the last 3 episodes every time she appeared on screen.

The Gaslight Anthem's "High And Lonesome Sound," which mentions Tom Petty's "Southern Accents," steals a line from Springsteen, and vastly improves on a Counting Crows lyric.

Dad, what's a muppet?
Well, it's not quite a mop. And it's not quite a puppet. But boy, are they…Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! … So, in conclusion, I have no idea.

It makes me happy that I'm not the only one who remembers Astronaut Jones.

I would argue that Michael Caine is the George Lazenby's of Scrooges. As in, he's the one that everyone forgets but secretly was in the most underrated of the adaptations.