Bakken Hood

And if you cut and fold a Land O' Lakes butter box a certain way, it looks like she's showing her boobs!  WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

I, too, hated Will Ferrell's spastic mugging before it was cool.  You're not alone.

Hey, I did my own math to figure out that the space shuttle literally gets forty rods to the hogshead.

As long as poo and ass aren't taken…

Sounds about right.  I'm with Handlen, the show is far from great, but as a fan of rural Wyoming (and northern New Mexico where it's actually filmed…I'm pretty sure the meadow in front of Walt's house is Valles Caldera National Preserve), I kept watching anyway because I liked the setting.  And Starbuck.

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus said it.  I admire good CGI— I love LotR— but it really took all the fun out of sci-fi.  I love watching old-style special effects and reverse engineering them.  There's no doubt that, say, realistically rendered fluid dynamics are impressive, but I can't reverse


Well rook at that, another pun thread.

Were this thread to continue, it wood ape many better ones from articles past.

Game-wise, my picks are for Dead Rising and Red Dead Redemption.
For everything else that was wrong with that game, Dead Rising gave its penultimate boss a pretty damn good death speech.  A little too on-the-nose, but at least it showed that the game had something resembling ambition.  Shame the rest of the game

So, the one with the Ape Statue of Liberty?

Nope, straight line.


Bob's Burgers so far is at least as good as post-comeback Futurama.

We have all seen too many body bags and ball sacks.

I can't see.  Are we boned?

Now with flavor!

It's called Urectum now.

A certain late elephant would like a word with you…

I will meekly admit that those races are fun to watch.