I was reading a magazine where he gave some pretty solid respectful dating advice to women. He generally seems like a nice guy: I hope it's true.
I was reading a magazine where he gave some pretty solid respectful dating advice to women. He generally seems like a nice guy: I hope it's true.
Except for Beyoncé. Although of course, she never says outright "I'm a feminist" in her albums (she quotes speeches where they define feminism and a French background track of Maude Lebowski talking about feminism), but it counts to me.
"Which Game of Thrones character are you?"
"Which Harry Pot—-"
"Which Billy Mays—-"
My parents got teen me hooked on a lot of Janis Joplin because they had rosy remembrances of the 60's.
Then they took me to a performance of "Love, Janis" in the East Village where the whole building reeked of pot and were like: "Ohhh….right……."
I think it's crazy how many female pop artists still say they're not feminists. You're cool with dancing around in a costume made of plastic bubbles and Muppet heads, but saying you want equal rights for the genders might scare 'em off.
"Fuck off, you fucking fuck."
Translation: "You're all right."
What's not to like?
We lure 'em in with our witch eyes and then give birth to a lot of auburn haired children who take weird stepdancing classes.
She suffered first hand on accounts of the Catholic church by being put in a Magdalene laundry as a teen. And whether or not it's discussed on the news, modern Catholics are always a little leery of a non-married celibate man being around kids (holy or not).
I think lots of non-Catholics have a problem understanding our relationship to the pope. In America, it's more akin to "current coach of our beloved football league" as opposed to "infallible god surrogate."
For example, the last pope was so awful, even the most gentile of old Catholic ladies said that they hated him.
"I chew businesses like yours up and spit them into the toilet."
"Ew, why?"
I want this on a t-shirt.
(Filch smiles, petting his latest cat bride)
Oh God, I hope so.
Did you know BCumberbatch admitted that his family made all of its money off of slaves and he was loathe to take that last name because his family thought people would seek reparations?
Because according to Tumblr, it's just another wonderful thing that makes him a special sexy man.
Mrs. Norris/Whomping Willow
Hurt/Comfort, M
"You were named after the two men who manipulated me the most."
Nope, Neville married Hannah Abbott.
Wow, I can't do math, but I remember who Neville Longbottom procreated with.
The reason being I can't Google "Gadget from Rescue Rangers" without finding oodles of porn.
And forget Googling "foxes."
One of the few cartoons my parents actually looked forward to watching with me, along with Aah! Real Monsters.
My Dad recently confessed that he thought Doug was "a boring twat."