Major Catastrophe

Is it any wonder that a state that had Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mary Carey on the ballot for Governor, is now 42 billion dollars in debt?
They should have voted for Gary Coleman.

Whoopi Goldberg still has that effect on most normal people.

The Iron Eagle movies don't get enough love, do they?

Any movie with CGI penguins would be greatly improved.

madbeatnik, I agree.
Problem being is most people don't have a clue who T. Rex was, and they may have heard the song once on the classic oldies radio station. So they think it's an obscure enough song that it makes them sound cool when they mention it.

I saw a documentary once that portrayed the Loch Ness Monster as Jack The Ripper.
It was completely realistic.

Wait. Wha? Seth Rogen got laid?

At least it wasn't Beloit.

joannemullen=fucking retard

Recently I was eating brunch with Tony Romo and he made the comment that Jessica has the whitest teeth that he has cum across.

Pretty Fucking Awful
I would like to see more critics use that term.
Food, art, film, music, etc. It fits in so many genres.

Didn't see this in the theatre. Waited until it was out on cable. And even then I smashed my television in rage over what a sickening waste of my life this film was.
Stanley Kubrick if it wasn't for Dr. Strangelove, 2001, and Full Metal Jacket, I would dig up your corpse and ass rape it.

Yo quiero, Taco Bell?

Groupies and Condoms: Necessary?
Proper Backstage Foods for Regularity

No Love for John Tesh?
That would be living the dream!

OK Smartass, I dare you to pronounce !!!.
And it ain't Throatwarbler Mangrove.

Do you drive a Little Red Corvette?

Lobsters, Lobsters, Lobsters.
Didn't you get the memo, Herbert Hoover the Second isn't our President anymore.

You kids are hilarious.
Us adults always respond to said question with "Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?"

Rock of Love?