Major Catastrophe

That'll do pig. That'll do.

They will become hopelessly lost in the bowels of the Agora Ballroom.

That was Herve Villichaize's line in Fantasy Island.
Det Riot!
Det Riot!

Talk about mudflaps! My girl's got em!
Big Bottoms drive me outta my mind,
How can I leave this behind?

Tim Curry.
As Doctor Frank N. Furter.
A transvestite would be a more realistic Nick Fury than a black man, because Nick Fury wasn't black.

Zombie Bruce Lee is the correct answer.

Beth Ditto is Fat.

No Mention of The New Guy?

Prison Wine's Apartment: Home of the bottomless cup of coffee enema!

Not being a blonde dumbass trying to drink my way on to Girls Gone Wild
I think I'll take my chances on a vacation in Aruba.

I can state with all honesty
I just don't give a shit about this.
Must be a miserable existence when something like this gets people excited.
I weep for the future of mankind.

A.S.=Anal Syst?

I have to vote for the dead guy in Clerks also.
Seeing that bitch Caitlin in a catatonic state, was awesome.

The other day I went to get an automobile loan. I was turned down due to a gum chewing incident in 4th grade.
Miss Tange if you still live, I damn you to Hell for fucking up my permanent record.

How about forcing Hitler Youth, err, I mean Young Republicans to take courses in economics, US Government, and American History. Of course they would fail all of them miserably, but in the famous words of Judge Smails, "The world needs ditch diggers too."

At first I read this as Octomom and couldn't figure out the corellation between the clown car vagina and Tracy Morgan.

Hiroshima from the Ra album.
He gets a free pass.

John Tesh may be a tool, but Pat Boone put out that god awful album of heavy metal remakes.
I have a "Get Out Of Hell Free" card, I listened to Pat Boone sing Paradise City.

Hi! I'm Lisa Rinna from TV Guide channel here on the red carpet with Buffalo Bill.
Bill, who are you wearing?

Is it too late to ask?
Did Tracy's shark Die In A Fire?