Major Catastrophe

How about a Mel from the hit sitcom Alice, plate!

Yes, I can understand how after finding a severed head in a can of food would make you wish for a whole case of that same food.

Those weren't hobos, they were black people. But since you live in Boston, I understand your confusion.

Dallas fucking sucks.
Move back to your home country, maybe you'll see a Bhopal Decider before Dallas.

I'm concerned about the sudden increase in douchebags that refer you to their Facebook page when you advertise that you want a Resume and Cover Letter.
Look asshole, I'm paying you to work, not update your Facebook page. If you have a Facebook page, I'm doing you a favor by letting you stay unemployed.

Copy Editor=another person we can get to eat stuff that would gag a maggot on the Gut Wagon.

Full-Time Grad student studying School Counseling=Motel 6 Night Manager

I thought maybe it was George Bush advertising for someone to keep the blacks off his lawn in his gated, Whites-Only, community in Dallas.

Worst. episode. ever.

WIPTH=The WWJD for a new generation

More proof that today's youth are under educated.
Put the word BLOG on anything and they will flock to it like lemmings.
I blame eight years of "No Child Left Behind" style of education.

It has the word Zombie in the title, and you have the audacity to question whether or not it's worth it?
You sir, are officially on my shit list.

Should have kept his receipts.
I think hush money is tax deductable.

Lincoln selling Jacko's ass into slavery would be awesome on so many levels.

Michael Jackson as Mr. Spock?

Those happy assholes can't play in a man to man defense either.

I submit Mooseport for your approval or derision.

Large Black Man: "Can we dance wit yo dates?"

Does He Know Who Let The Dogs Out?
Just wondering.

In my league, God drafted Tom Brady.
It's kind of like the SI cover jinx.