Major Catastrophe

I'll take Overrated Dallas Cowboys Defensive Backs for 500, Alex.

And the world in one voice says…..

And if it was a movie with Eliza Dushku showing her tits, everyone would say it was the greatest thing ever to be filmed.
You people don't fool me.

I'm still trying to find the anatomically correct Mr. and Mrs. Hardwick action figures.

I for one, support the concept to teach young girls that the only way to get ahead in life is to show alot of skin.

Fireproof 2
Starring Keanu Reaves and Sandra Bullock

Joan of Arc enjoyed peyote.

Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash pretty much describes a date night for me.

Hmmm, Tuxedo. I'm not sure what kind of drinking games you are playing, but I believe that Liquid Drano is not the preferred drink.

This makes me want to get a KFC Bowl of Sadness for lunch today.

Just because.
Poop humor is so damn funny.

How about that part when they had people believing that they could see the face of Christ in a piece of toast?
When Ashton Kutcher came out and said "You've been Punk'd", I thought I would die laughing.
Stupid Christians.

I sincerely hope that you Die In A Fire.

Everything was fine until dickless here turned off the grid.
Is this true?
Yes, this man has no dick.

That's what happens when you are on double-secret probation.

Two words.
Jonny Fucking Quest!

Friday the 13th as a remake?
The End Of Western Civilization is officially at hand.

When the highlight of your state is maple syrup, ball licking is probably not your biggest concern.

Guess it gives you something to do when things are slow at the McDonald's Drive Up Window.

Answer=The Need For Speed series.