Major Catastrophe


I second ZMF's motion.
The Condemned kicked some serious ass.

Same here Fred. Fortunately I got to see SRV in a small club the week before his plane crash.

Oh wait.
This article wasn't about Ron Glass?

Fetuses in Formaldhyde
The snack food of Dick Cheney!

"The best part of you ran down my ass crack"
Ah, the halycon days of youth!

Reminds of the new series by White Ghetto Studios.
We Gangbanged Your Mom. I'm up to part 5, can't wait to see how it turns out.

Jim Caviezel was not in The Cable Guy and that movie sucked dog dicks.
I may have discovered a flaw in your logic.

Other people had a better batting average.
I didn't realize that it had become a Lifetime Achievement Award.

Mel Gibson or David Hasselhoff in a alcohol related traffic accident.

Oh fuck yeah!
I'm foreseeing an instant cult classic.

I call Bullshit.
The Lions can't beat anyone.

Defend poetry and bad mouth Monty Python?
There is a special level of Hell reserved for mouth breathers like that.

The rectal ranchers love that movie.
Almost makes up for the pain they feel because they can't get married.

I like her in The Tomb Raider movies, but only because they are so g-d damned stupid.

Not even quality trolling.
I blame the "No Child Left Behind" education system in America.

Did someone mention that Lincoln enjoyed bikini waxes?

2001:A Space Odyssey.
Dr. Strangelove.

To fight the ravages of climate change, all boogaloos will now be required to be solar or wind powered.

Blind rage?