
I thought this was a well-acted and well-written pilot. It was better than anything else I've seen so far this pilot season. Bring on episode two.

I would enjoy a smart episode in Margaret's perspective, or even from all the Abbies' perspectives. If done properly, it could be a fun time.

I really liked this episode, and I'm glad because watching felt like a chore last week.

In the books, it's spelled "abbies" not "abies" so I'll continue to use that spelling. You may say that aberration only has one "b" so it isn't logical to add another letter, but the name Abigail, for example, has only one and we add a second to create the nickname "Abby" (or "Abbie" RIP Abbie Mills, Sleepy Hollow).

I think we're to believe Ben's done a lot more than just make one mistake. Don't forget, at the start of season two I think it's three years that went by. During those years, the rebellion was up to all sorts of stuff and many people died.

Yes, if they're not trying to deviate from the source material. It would be silly if suddenly the abbies were revealed to be some elaborate ruse to execute some ridiculous government conspiracy plot.

I still enyoy it, but it lacks all the mystery from season one I loved. I'm waiting for a reveal, but there isn't one coming. Not one that keeps me on edge, anyway. It really was a perfect one hit wonder, which is what it was intended to be, but of course they had to milk it after season one's exceptional ratings—Fox

The idea that an intrauterine death for a nearly-term baby could result in it becoming a walker is terrifying. Can you imagine that thing eating you from the inside out?

I loved the episode, as I've enjoyed most in the back half of S3. Betsy isn't coming to the present. I suppose you can consider the catacombs the present, but there's something w time blah blah blah idk. It's irrelevant at this point because there's one episode left. They're not going to take her home to be part of

Cable is my dream, but I'd be happy w/ the CW. The ratings expectations are lower, and genre is their thing. Sleepy is likely too expensive to produce for them but feasible if they go with your idea and drop some of the weak and costly visual effects. I've always found old school tricks for tension and creepiness

The actress who plays Abbie is amazing. What show are you watching? Jenny's actress is okay but doesn't possess the acting chops to deliver such a nuanced performance.

This inspires me to watch the real trial all over again and view other media from during that time. It has to be on YouTube, right?

Well, that's the last time I'm watching that. Genre TV, I love you, but not like this. And because it's a flaming pile of excrement, it'll likely be a huge hit in the US. *Sigh*

I just posted a similar comment on Twitter, though I thought they said 1794, making it even more laughable with 1994 as the magical year. Shame, writers.

I had fun with it. I don't look for depth in Sleepy Hollow; even at its best, it's always been campy fun. The Hidden One and Pandora were a bit more interesting this week with that small peak of their life before. I liked the Jersey Devil. He was a pompous ass as a human, so I didn't even care how ridiculous he looked

I disagree if only because Sleepy Hollow is still smarter than half the drivel out there. Garbage that still thrives in coveted weekday spots like every version of CSI, NCIS, and a few other acronyms. Sadly, quite a few of the quality shows bring in tiny ratings. Silly shows with one-dimensional characters do quite

I agree completely about the loss of the horror element. THAT was the show I tuned in to see. I hope we can get back to that.

It's still a hit by today's viewing standards, so using "was" to downplay its relevance is silly. It's addictive. I'd bever seen an episode and recetly binged it all. Could. Not. Stop. Good? Idk, but definitely addictive.

Judging by the comments, people have already given up on the show. I enjoyed this episode very much. Perhaps it's because I went in with extremely low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. Even Betsy Ross didn't piss me off. The "sexy" Betsy crap wasn't forced on us, and she wasn't trying to make sexy time with

I thought it was an odd way to phrase it also. Why not just write about the implied lack of refrigeration due to no electricity? Corpse maintenance is not that involved I imagine, unless you're the undertaker/corpse beautician.