
I hope Phil's not truly dead, though the re-entry of Mike must be symbolic; Mike lives, Phil dies.

The disparity between this review and IGN's, which calls the finale 'Amazing', is laughable. I think it was somewhere in between, but certainly closer to IGN's opinion than this one. A.V. Club is always hating when they don't understand what a show is about. Stop dissecting it and trying to make it more than it is; it

The reviewers comments about being bored & cast appear to be going through the motions? Nope. That's merely his perception based on ratings woes. Had this been an exceptional year ratings-wise, I think he'd be singing a different tune entirely. Stop being followers, and come to your own opinion. Peter Mensah played

I watched the Lucifer pilot & it was AWFUL. The lead guy is charming enough, but it's just another procedural, which I really have no problem with at all. Procedurals are reliable; that's why they continue on long past a normal show's expiration date. Networks employ the same mold and sometimes add a clever gimmick,

I liked it. I'll agree there's still something missing I can't quite put my finger on (aside from the Ichabbie tension from previous seasons). There's too much of the mundane and not enough of the breakneck pace we had before. Even through much of season two's dreaded nonsense, we had a certain energy I no longer see.

I like both Phils, even if they're both asses in different ways. Also, Phil 2.0 should be referred to as Sexy Phil, even by straight men.

Many fans of both shows were waiting for this crossover; what a rude title.

Yes, but didn't Melissa's finger injury occur before Phil found Todd or no? If so, they got busy with that bacon in one day.

Do you recall Ichabod's exact line? I didn't notice it.

Finally a decent review. Agree with most of it. I disagree about the monsters' relevancy, though; I watch this show for the monsters. While the other stuff is fun, and I will never tire from Ichabod & Abbie, I wish they'd increase the creep factor a bit more. I know it's broadcast TV, but it's like they're almost

One of the writers responded on Twitter stating Betsy precedes Katrina relationship. It's silly because they tried to sell us on a love at first sight thing w/Katrina and we know Ichabod was still not converted when he first met her, so it makes no sense to have a relationship w/someone else after. I think Betsy's

The problem is Irving should've continued to play the Skinner type character to Ichabod and Abbie's Mulder and Scully; they should've never involved him so quickly in the supernatural elements. Just as the awesome John Noble should've remained the humble, introverted sin eater never to be revealed as the evil,

I thought this was a solid episode. I'd like for the monster to be a bit creepier or drawn out a bit more. Too many characters now so there are multiple subplots going and that detracts from the momentum of the main case, but perfect other than that. This feels like Sleepy Hollow's return to form. I don't love Betsy;

In the episode prior, he told Irving he was no longer the horseman of war. I think when Moloch died, all the powers Henry had previously died with Moloch. The same thing happened w/ Irving. He wasn't affected when Jenny shot him while Henry had possession of him, but as soon as Henry died Frank was normal. Hmmm. Seems

I'm all for Evil Katrina. I think it was rushed, but I imagine that was a necessity to bring things where they are now. Some say it came out of nowhere but I disagree; she's been flirting with the other side for some time. I sound like a broken record, but I still say she should've been the big bad at the end of