

If you're really done Erik than so am I.  I remember a moment trying to get though this thinking "I should hang on for Erik."  You should have gotten danger pay for covering this show, unless it was some office assigned punishment for eating Tasha's fruit on the bottom yogart or something.


We must fight this overlord Big Bang Theory Spartacus style.                                                         I AM COMMUNITY.

So your saying Oscar season has begun.

Didn't like Leslie and Ben together, don't care for them apart that much either.  Also if the best thing is getting Tom back than you may need to rethink what "best" means.

He is now the desquash champion.

Every night for the rest of my life I will stare at the moon with the undying hope of seeing Jim rash sing Seal to me.

Pierce did say that his mother liked to think he was dead.

Are people really arguing about which is better.  We are a tribe so small that we must hold together to survive.  Best hour on TV.

He's just suprised that this show hasn't been cancelled yet.  We all are.

Begging people at The AV Club to watch Community is like…. I'll go with telling Charlie Sheen about the joy of blow and porn stars.

I will admit to a chill when Try asks "Whats a pregnency test look like?"  And then the gun.  Never has a gun been such a welcome sight.

Any one else feel sad when they do an all time great episode? 

The problem I have with Ann is no one completely ignores anyone who looks like Rashida Jones.  The woman just shines and they write her like she's a social leper.

All "Community has lost it" posters kneel before your New God, same as the Old God.

I'm just glad country stations are treating him with as much venom as they did The Dixie Chicks, you know banning his music, streamrolling his CDs and such.  They're doing all of that to him, right?  Right?

I had some hope went I saw the title of the ep. was The Silent Treatment, alas there was dialog.

It's like a diaramma.

Drinkin moonshine till we puke, o da do da day.