
But she's so quirky of course she would wear biker shorts to a wedding.  that's the joke, becauce this show are too hip to actually be funny.

I think Todd, and all of you for that matter, have been so battered by writing, acting and singing that was parody level bad that a C-, which I agree with, feels like a B+.

Cool……..    Cool cool cool.

OK, his name is Schmidt. That in and of itself is not, nor should be, considered a joke every episode.

See buddy your still as creepy as ever and on behalf of The AV Club I hope you always will be.

At the very least can this show not steal Emmy noms in the comedy categories. You should'nt be able to decide your a comedy every third episode and get rewarded for it when shows like Community and Parks and Rec get the crumbs, if anything at all.

I hear that there is an underground tape of Biggie eating a Whopper and a Big Mac at the same time. HOT.

And there's no such thing as a free Ceasar salad.

It's good to see Martin Starr playing an actual adult.  Put that on your reel buddy.

I honestly had a better time at my mother's funeral than watching this show,  and it had more laughs.

I feel violated in so many ways by this show.

Creepy not creepy, whatever, all I know is Aniston or Hiegel would sacrifice a goat to have the chemistry that McHale and Brie have in their next attempts at ron-coms

This show is so horrible that the suicide provention number should run in a crawl at the bottom of the screen at all times.

I just want The Decsendants to get a best adaptation win so that when I'm watching Community and see Jim Rash as Dean Pelton I can say "That's an Oscar winner."

Todd when it comes to Glee you may be turning into one of the judges in a George Micheal trail.  You want to believe that you are looking at the talent that gave you Freedom and Faith, but next week you have to know its going to end up caught in a lewd act in a public men's room and/or passed out at a stop light at 3

Amen.  That opening segment where she's getting dressed for the wedding played like an inprov exerise at a community center.

Loved to pause before Troy and Abeds big announcement.  Also loved that spin that Alison did during the opening song.

Does that mean he thinks those robots are real?

News from the departed
Chris Penn expresses gratitude at being dead and sympathy for those of us still living who may have to watch this film.

I demand Fat Neal/Vicki shipper videos on youtube within the hour.