30 Odd Foot of Cunts

Gilmore Girls
I found the mother to be infinitely more fuckable than the daughter.

Let's see…
I liked The West Wing. It was a good show and she was good in it. However, she is also a female who was interviewed on the AV Club, so she has to be subjected to the obligatory procedure:

Nobody thought of Grizzly man?
Those documentary subjects REALLY struck back!

The Sopranos
I loved The Sopranos as a teenager, because I've always liked mafia movies and the concept of a TV series that explored that world was appealing to me. I thought Tony was just an awesome character and the boobs, violence and swearing were a big plus. But a few years later David Chase made some comments

Yeah, I basically got ostracized by my friends in high school for stating that I found Jessica Rabbit much more fuckable than Liv Tyler or Neve Campbell, who were at the time (late 90's) considered the epitomy of female hotness.

Watched Scott Pilgrim.
A movie in which Michael Cera participates in fights and wins them.
Not food fights. Not fights via phone. Or fights with little sister over the remote control.

Fuck all of you. It wasn't about the money. It was for the art. You think Elizabeth Banks would allow herself to be uglied-up for a commercially viable movie?
You don't get Oscars for looking hot, assholes!

A shame about Snipes
But I really liked the first Blade movie!!

I don't know what Linda Lovelace looked like, but I would genuinely like to know which of these two actresses is more physically suitable to play her. You know, boobwise. I would like your arguments to be submitted in written form.

Oh come on, Mark
Yes it was a terrible movie. But some of the suicide scenes were, umm…inventive?
Watching that one guy who lawn-mowered himself was disturbingly hilarious.

You're not a bad person, fastandsloppy.

Why don't they put him in a show with that Puddy guy from Seinfeld? They're made for each other.
Although the levels of gregariousness would reach terminal levels.

I'm using all my powers of concentration not to think of the children.
I saw Minority Report yesterday. Won't be sleeping well tonight.

So I probably shouldn't send them that self-titled pilot script I've been working on?
I guess the title could easily be changed (not the explicit racism and general lack of quality though).

Michelle Pfeiffer
is still ultra hot. She's oldness-proof. I could watch a movie just because of her (not this one, though, except if there's nudity).

Community is a good show, but…
I hope the writers are careful with the character. There's a common problem with the various breakout characters , especially on critically acclaimed but low rated sitcoms, where everyone thinks that the way to success is to make the weird, quirky guy the center of the show. Let's not

The English have some decent titles, I suppose, but they, as in many other things, are inferior to the Germans. You can't beat Herzog (duke), Reichsfuerst (Imperial Prince) or Markgraf (count of a border province). Those are badass.

I don't know
about lizard king . More like lizard baron . Specifically, the 1st baron of Penishire.

I can't wait
This show will be awesome. I expect loads of hilarious situations that will finally clearly define thus far inscrutable differences between men and women.
She's trying to get him to open up about his feelings…BUT HE'S TRYING TO WATCH THE FOOTBALL GAME!
He's going to meet up with his buddies and drink some

That is a really annoying spoiler. We now know there's no way the zombies win in the FIRST season finale. Although the writers may surprise us. It would be interesting if the second season was about zombies trying to deal with the fact that they're alone in the world. NON EXISTENTIALISM! (Because they're not