30 Odd Foot of Cunts

Eh, who gives a shit.

Well, Iowa is famous for its pies…

Ah, I see. The Intruders on the BBC. It will explore the nightmarish scenario when guests arrive to a Sunday afternoon tea and crumpets, having forgotten to RSVP.
Imagine all the wet monocles!

Upon hearing the good news, Robin Williams unleashes a furious comedy routine, wherein he impersonates a black southern preacher, a flamingly homosexual stylist, an English grandmother, Richard Nixon and Lassie. Also,some celebrity from the '70s nobody remembers.

Jesus, even his meltdowns are twee and pretentious.


Aww fuck!

Yeah, yeah, Romney people can bitch and moan as much as they want, but Obama is STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF AFGHANISTAN!

Christ, this looks and sounds fucking stupid.
Come to think of it, maybe they should make a series based on the young, hot, hair gel encrusted Jesus. It would not be sexy, exactly, but the carpentry…yes, there would be carpentry.

But will his musical career ever reach the heights of Hunted?

So this movie is trying to make "Hansel & Gretel" sound badass.
Yeah, I don't see it happening.

Katherine McPhee really does have a nice ass.. She also had a nice ass in that one episode of Community. In the first season. You know, waaaay back when it was funny and not "emotionally fulfiling" or "cleverly heartwarming" or any other bullshit that people throw around to justify the suckiness of Season 3.

Katherine McPhee really does have a nice ass.. She also had a nice ass in that one episode of Community. In the first season. You know, waaaay back when it was funny and not "emotionally fulfiling" or "cleverly heartwarming" or any other bullshit that people throw around to justify the suckiness of Season 3.

Well, it depends on whether the downfall of "Nicky Loogan" was caused by his unbridled enthusiasm…or him just being a cock-eyed optimist.

Well, it depends on whether the downfall of "Nicky Loogan" was caused by his unbridled enthusiasm…or him just being a cock-eyed optimist.


Javier Bardem is certainly an accomplished actor.

Why should we say goodbye to that graphic?
Let's see:
Charlie Sheen got fired for banging hookers, doing blow and, after being reprimanded by his boss, told him to go fuck himself. For that, he was awarded with a bonus of 25 million dollars.
I think the graphic is more apt than ever: still awesomely and undeservedly

Wow. Bucky Larson failed hard.

Russell Crowe? Singing?