30 Odd Foot of Cunts

Fuck Springsteen
That guy totally sold out! Mainstream grandpa-rock mellow shit. I demand R-rated grittiness in my biopics.
Now, I've been hearing good things about that upstart and cult favourite Steve Perry…

Nice try, but I've learned my lesson when someone told it was okay to call persons from a certain Caribbean country Puertoricans .
It just didn't sound right!

So let me get this straight: is it suddenly okay to cal black people colored ? I thought that was frowned upon.
I really, really want to know!!!

ZMF is right. Yes, those Pixar cartoons are above average in terms of quality, but they're still fucking cartoons. I understand that parents need a decent children's movie that doesn't make them want to blow their brains out in the theater, but if you're older than 15, it's kind of weird (creepy) to actually look

Agreed. Trying too hard.