No surprise that the AV Club hates Bevers, it's too much like staring into a mirror for the majority of posters.
No surprise that the AV Club hates Bevers, it's too much like staring into a mirror for the majority of posters.
Really do not like the addition of Blaise as a regular, what the hell is Bravo thinking?
Calling Kanye West a "goddamned amazing musician" is somehow even more preposterous than likening celebrities to an oppressed class.
What about Mr. Rogers?
He's talking to a past self who no longer exists (addiction, fame, whatever…)
This is just a theory I'm spitballing, but perhaps Weird Al's mission wasn't to shame people with bad grammar. Perhaps his starting point was simply the fact that "word crimes" rhymes with "blurred lines"? I'M JUST THEORIZING HERE.
I see manhole covers from the Neenah foundry in just about every state I've been in.
Made me terrified of Joliet as a little kid.
As a native of Central Wisconsin, I take great pride in all of the Wisconsin-centric jokes from MST3K. Especially the Wisconsin-centric episodes, like the one with the giant spiders and the Skipper from Gilligan's Island.
Oh cool, is Forrest Gump the beloved film that we all hate now?
Yeah but you have to admit that Die Antwoord video would have been pretty bitchin' with Robin Williams in it instead.
He was a naive/innocent Christ-like figure, like Prince Myshkin. That was the point. There was no mental impairment implied…
Surely your generalized critique of Chomsky's entire "worldview" was not meant to imply your superiority on any grounds! What was I thinking?!
I think you've rumbled the AV Club. Surely it has nothing to do with the fact that the previous 10,000 AV Club Newswire posts have displayed similar levels of snark.
If only Noam Chomsky could be as a smart as you, AV Club commenter minya.
Yeah, but bail bonds are the largest industry in Southern Illinois.
Can someone explain to me the origins of all the Brandon Flowers hatred?
The Razzies take themselves seriously? Come on, what?
You had friends who played MTG in high school. Nice try, nerd.
Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown were amazing, everything else he has made has been exceedingly dumb shit. One day the world will accept that I'm correct.