
Jeremy Piven, Jeremy Piven, Jeremy Piven, Jeremy Piven…

@endall I think "complete control" is stretching it. My awareness of how a movie gets made and distributed has little effect on what movies come out this year. My awareness of whether or not I enjoyed a movie and support it by paying to watch it and others like it have more effect on what future choices are available,

I agree with pretty much everything you said. But because I like stupid questions, I would also ask why we should be conscious of these changes and their impact on the cultural world? Unless you are in an academic setting or pontificating at length on a pop cultural website, does it matter? We will still like art,

This is a good article in terms of bringing up a lot to consider. There is a touch of contradiction in it with the "there's not this good thing on Netflix" while at the same time lauding the effort one must put into finding some works.

Future predictions
Will Robert Zemeckis' creepy animation movies be for future generations what Rankin/Bass is for us?

Great Job Internet?
More like Great Job (at making me want to throw up) Internet.

a good example
With all the talk every year about how bad the awards are, can someone point to a good example of an award show? Is it possible?

J Serious won the internet for me today. Thank you, sir or madame.

Sorry to waste your time on an internet comment board.

May be a stupid question
But are Tracy Jordan on 30 Rock or Kanye West one and the same?

You don't solve a few Rubik's Cubes
Without making a few enemies.

This interview…
"AVC: You have a reputation as being a relatable person who hasn't let fame get in the way of having a life, approaching strangers, and getting close to people. Is that something you've fought to maintain in part so you can continue to understand people?"

Canadian PSAs are seriously messed up. I used the one with the guy blowing up and falling several stories off a construction site for a class on persuasion once. So yeah, I inflict that shit on others.

I had to watch this video and several others like it, including the one Sheltie linked, for my college summer job at an electronics factory. The factory has since shut down because of the economy, but the memories of the video linger on.

clear blue sky,
or clear blue tuesday?

Last week's Q&A
This is now on top of my uncomfortable comedy moments I can't take list.

Michael Moore
Surprised no one has mentioned Michael Moore yet. He has some funny stuff, but whenever he harasses the poor front desk reception people, I have to go for a walk around the house until it's over.

Tip o the hat
This is the first time that I've looked at an AV Club newswire headline and involuntarily mouthed "Oh for fuck sake" while at the office. Yes, I have a Minnesotan accent.


That tree died for your sins, Amelie. Don't hate.