
Atonement is purposely British with a capital B. I loved it, but for those that don't like that sort of book I point to his earlier, shorter, much more disturbing works.

State of Play
Just want to plug State of Play - that sumbitch had me up til 3 in the morning to finish it.

scotteb likes to ask important questions

Beige Alert likes to organize things.

Hip Hopster likes to promise questions, but not fully follow up by asking the alloted amount. Hip Hopster also likes acronyms.

I heard watching fly-over footage of the parks can be soothing.

Brainiacs who see it all coming
If a movie clearly has a scientist who can see the looming catastrophe, but no one will listen to him no matter how urgent the warning, I will not go. So that covers most disaster movies. I also didn't see Disaster Movie.

Last man was my entry point, and I thought it was hilarious. The zombies calling to him at night, able to speak but unable to turn a doorknob. "Morgan, come out. Morgan. Hey, Morgan. Come out." Got it from a dollar bin and it was so worth it. Look forward to other VP flicks.

"Get over it with the quotations," I say.

Agota Kristof's three novels - The notebook, the Proof and The Third Lie - are pretty awesome. Dark, confusing, and the favorite by far of my students last semester. It's three novels, but they are all short.

Quote: "Remember that time in civics when I had to fart, and it came out, well, a poop? And I had to flush my undies down the toilet? Do you think I wanted to tell you that?" Haverchuck

I imagine it to sound like Droopy Dog.