
Thanks to the video to "You Can Call Me Al", I thought Chevy Chase was Paul Simon for quite a while.

I had to remind myself, quite strongly, that the judges don't know what goes on in the workroom. I have rarely seen worse leadership in action. It flat-out offended me. I spent a good chunk of this episode shouting profanity at Josh M and willing Becky to knee him in the groin.

Sudhir + Stephenie OTP?
Anyone else notice Sudhir getting a little cozy with Stephenie after the challenge was explained? And then they show her hugging him at the end but no one else? Think there's something going on there?


I loved how Bobby phrased his suggestion as giving Matt "inspiration". Bobby Flay will be your muse whether you want him or not.

While I can kind of see the convenience/portability argument, the judges are bizarrely obsessed with the idea that no fast food restaurant can survive if you have to inconvenience yourself with a fork or a spoon. Which doesn't explain how Noodles & Co. is still around. Or all of the fast-food Chinese places in America.

Pulled Pork Explained
So, even though I'm not all that fond of Greg & Krystal, I was happy to see there was a reason why she kept trying to wedge it into the menu: it's their chef's specialty and he's been itchin' to show it off. Which makes sense why they did well this time—he was probably giving 110% to get his

The DVD commentary had a great anecdote about the director (or writer? both?) meeting Lambert after he'd been cast and being horrified to realize that he didn't speak of a lick of English.

I'll agree with "Name". 10-year-old me thought Thundercats was the Awesomest. Thing. Ever. That said, 18-year-old me caught some reruns on cable and realized that 10-year-old me's taste was terrible.

Every time he appeared on the screen, I couldn't resist exclaiming "The Amazing ZOMBO!!".

I'm kind of surprised The Lion King isn't on this list. It features the on-screen death of a parent and the villain being torn apart by hyenas, yet somehow Disney managed to get it rated G. I remember children having to leave the theater because they were so terrified.

Glad to see I'm not the only one hoping for a Vagrant Story sequel, Close-watcher.

Casting my vote for Peanuts. Like CC Oberst said, we'll be able to get the Whedon news from 9 billion other sources, too. The Peanuts stuff seems less likely to be heavily covered.

Emilio's look
I was surprised Emilio's look wasn't in the bottom—it was so utterly unoriginal and boring.

Whatever you think of Seth Aaron, you have to admit he was right about the purse.

The Challenge
I don't think the challenge was a bad one, especially for earlier in the season. An outfit for a magazine cover has its own special requirements & considerations; and from what we saw tonight, it's not something every designer usually thinks about. I thought it was a good "separate the wheat from the

Aaron's name
Can anyone remind me where Claire got Aaron's name? Is he named for anyone? Or is it just a name she liked?

I just about screamed "NO, YOU IDIOT!" when Ash changed his dish. The guy's utter lack of confidence was so depressing and frustrating.

Mike's got buggier eyes, a more nasal voice, and twitches more. Brian's the deeper-voiced, kinda low-affect one.

"I can at least be thankful that it didn't have Toby Young sucking it up even more."