Pro Bono Gigolo

Did you know…Louie's younger daughter is played by Todd Barry's real-life daughter. 

Did you know…Louie's younger daughter is played by Todd Barry's real-life daughter. 

By the way: Fresh idea for gimmick poster — Debbie Downer. You feel me? Rachel Dratch? The duck-lookin' bitch from SNL? Whomp-whaaah. Yeah. Do it. Somebody. I'm just givin' these away.

Middle school was a time for handjobs underneath the table in art class. Jesse Jones and Kara What's-Her-Face know what I'm talkin' about. …Slut.

Sentences are for suckers.

Mortal Kombat 3, on the other hand, Geezis, was that 1995? I remember I was seven fucking years old and my niece was born the day it came out. My brother-in-law tried to fuck with me like I wouldn't get a copy once we left the hospital. …His father died from pancreatic cancer three days ago.

Since I was molested as a kid, I guess (maybe it was all a bad dream), those always stirred an unspoken, unsettling reaction within me (i.e. forced age regression). : )

@Stone Cold/Tha World: I read this shit too. A stoner buddy who lived below my girlfriend and me at the time insisted I borrow it. I don't remember any vibe whatsoever akin to that triumphant sound of U2 (triumphant as in, I'm hungover but making it in to work, and even though I let my family down again one day I'll

God bless Louis C.K. His show was The One I made sure to see On Demand week after week. It's really…just excellent television. And I hope that motherfucker keeps it up. And I pray that when he dies Jesus forgives him for masturbating and eating so much ice cream. Hey…this is sad: http://youtu.be/MODq81_cDKI

After Dan Harris asked Jamie-Lynn Sigler if she dated fat dudes in real life and she was all, like, "He is my boyfriend, and he's not fat."

I bet death is the opposite of pain.

I was gonna say, I vaguely remembered the story since reading it five or six years ago. But now that you mention it, some of it's coming back. …And now I've had a few shots of Sailor Jerry spiced rum and so it's fading away again. No, that's just my short-term memory.

Fuck yeah. …From 1:22 on especially. "An Encounter. The Fall. The Fame." No way the movie as a whole can top that portion of the trailer. Reminds me of every pretentious vision I've ever hoped to create. …I'm a sucker for scores like that. (See De Beers commercial—"Palladio.")

Honestly I didn't care for it either. I was actually annoyed that he went on as long as he did.

Holy shit. Thank you. I had no idea. …And I almost cried tears of joy when Yoda started doin' all those backflips and shit in…that one. "I hope you're happy, you buncha freaks."

Testing, testing. One, two, three.

Last week's concluding stand-up bit, on the other hand, was fucking hilarious. Even better than the rest of the show. This episode's, well, was brief and not as encompassing.

When that kid said he's 14, was born in 1997…I thought, Holy shit. (Granted I'm only 24, arguably still young, nonetheless I was born in Nineteen-EIGHTY-seven….) And I don't even approach spittin' game anymore. I just wait for death, because supposedly God loves you, like, more than anybody EVER!!!