
It's an honour to have you on the comment boards, Ms. Jett.

At long last, "6 degrees of Kevin Bacon" is null and void.

I'm starting to worry the second season will be really, really rushed.

Was his favourite drink gin y tónico?

Those Rrrrrrs…..

Yet another O'Neil classic.

Like a hole?

"Hello, Newman…."

must… resist…

There's a great scene in the deleted scenes on the DVD where William tries to convince his mother that rock and roll has value, so they listen to "Stairway to Heaven". THE WHOLE THING. Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

I first heard "closer" on a Weird Al polka medley, which got me into NIN. But to this day I can't hear "closer" without imagining it with accordions.

@profdragon UMM, how about this 9 Inch Nails guy? He's no Michael Jackson, but he's alright.

@profdragon UMM, how about this 9 Inch Nails guy? He's no Michael Jackson, but he's alright.

By the way, Rabin, any relation to the late Israeli PM?

Nope, it's about a ferris wheel. The name of the song in Hebrew is "Time is like a ferris wheel", which kinda works because the Hebrew term for ferris wheel is "Giant wheel" (Yeah, some great originality there), so you can kinda drag out the metaphor.

It was in his pants, and they did it again later?

Seriously? No "You Shook Me All Night Long"? And I'm the first person to mention it? What the hell, people?