
Unfortunately, he was rendered obsolete by Liam Neeson.

"Bonjour Babar: Gritty Reboot"

This crossed my mind too. Comedy isn't like music, where you can get a lot out of a fresh interpretation of a song. The thrill and the payoff is in the surprise. If I paid to see a comedian do a set of jokes I'd already seen, I'd be disappointed and bored. Heckling him to do old material is baffling.

But they're not doing the same thing. They're just drunk, lazy and yelling catchphrases. That's not pushing the envelope. If Chappelle had done the same thing in his sketches, none of us would know who he is.

He was a habitual line-stepper.

Ghost writer?

I use the term every day when Outlook crashes.

There is only one thing we say to people who use the term political correctness in a negative sense:

It's not that there aren't good parts. It's not even that it's less than the sum of its parts (although it is). It's the utter tonal and narrative incoherence with which the parts are cobbled together. Characters verbalize things we've known since season one and derive their motivations using the same system as Anton

I'm increasingly convinced that not only are there no longer directors on set for these episodes, there may no longer be scripts. "All right, everybody, go up there and improv some Terry memories! And don't forget some snarly vampire one-liners!"

This is what happens when you write seven minutes of plot for a 12-hour season.

Thank you. This has been driving me insane ever since Bill started saying "white circular room" every seven minutes.  I'm sure there's some lame "have to follow the visions" reason, but you're *already* trying to change the visions, because in the visions, everybody burns. And if you're worried about them killing the

-Wasn't that Willa claiming Jason in the teaser? Or was I just punchy from yelling "Tis it Saint Swiggens day already? 'Tis, tis!' replied Helga!" during the Eric flashback?

When he offered to train her so she could get her revenge herself, she said no because she had to find her mother and brothers. Well, no more mother and brothers (as far as she knows), so why not?

That's actually very much in keeping with the "kill the heroes" theme: Rhaegar was the hero, and Rhaegar died.

I'm rather surprised people expected Robb or Robb's rebellion to succeed - not even because of GRRM, but because of math. Namely: We're 3 seasons into a 7- or 8-season epic. You can't drag out a rebellion for 40 or 50 more episodes, so it had to end sooner rather than later. And if you have it end in victory, you need

It wasn't just logical for Frey to do: It was a logical thing to happen to Robb. Robb backed himself into a corner. He rebelled against Tywin, crossed Frey, let Cat skate for freeing Jaime, beheaded Karstark, and then went back to Frey. If you do that, you're gonna have a bad time.

"Having him go down as the victim of a sneaky, cowardly plot is like watching Harry Potter get fatally gutshot at the Yule Ball, halfway through the books."

If there's a show that could get away with pretending none of it happened, this is it.

"Everybody heard me say 'reset button,' right?"