I also assume it's easier to balance work & family when you're rich enough to afford domestic staff.
I also assume it's easier to balance work & family when you're rich enough to afford domestic staff.
Agreed. I read the write-up & most of the comments before I got to the clip, & I was surprised at how mild it was. That was no evisceration, literal OR figurative.
If that's seriously how your high school determined valedictorians, @avclub-5a1c0dcc8243c086c74ee944052f6f0f:disqus , shame on the alleged grown-up who ran the place.
Pundit comes from Sanskrit, & means "learned". It's meant to refer to a wise man or learned scholar, an expert in the field. So whatever these folks, are, pundits they ain't.
Scarborough isn't a journalist, but Brzezinski is (well, was). Also, if they were "trying to promote him", they did a shitty job. Bare minimum, one would think, is getting the guest's name right.
@ @shogun768:disqus: Many of them are also pretty, especially on Fox "News".
Me too! Actually, I'd say I'm a moderately competent drummer. I might get better if I actually had time to play. Like with most things, I blame my children.
A great line, delivered impeccably by Robert Guillaume. And yes, almost certainly where I learned that the song had authors at all, let along being copyrighted.
@avclub-b6e5391be8277308d0801a0be95ac706:disqus : Wow, holy shit. Dahl may be the worst person who ever lived. I'll go ahead & say it: Worse than Hitler!
Yeah, I'm no lawyer, but this seems like kind of a no-brainer. It's not like Hot Topic is even using the name to sell something other than clothes & accessories.
It's almost as if some people don't completely understand the native cultural beliefs and artifacts they've co-opted!
Eh, they officially inducted Depp into the Comanche nation, so they've forfeited any right to complain about the movie's veracity.
@avclub-b6e5391be8277308d0801a0be95ac706:disqus : Hadn't heard anything specific about Dahl being an anti-semite, but all of 5 seconds' searched turned up this gem: "There’s a trait in the Jewish character that does provoke animosity …
I mean there is always a reason why anti-anything crops up anywhere;
even a stinker…
Stewart likes to call what he does "joke news" or "fake news", but it's neither. It's real news, with jokes, & is often more insightful than the "real" news it parodies.
"Thank god she isn't wearing any pants!"
Speaking of "loggin' it"….
Historical accuracy doesn't really matter that much on a fictional TV show about a fictional TV show on a fictional network. And I literally just finished re-watching the episodes, & it definitely says "third-third", not "third-fourth".
I'm from PA, too, & I thought the same thing, @avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus. Is there some rule against changing them, ever?