Clueless Neophyte

You're already wrong—Ignatiy Vishnevetsky's seen it!  Not purely voluntarily, maybe, but still….

And Yahoo Serious' YEAR!

Thanks, @avclub-33beffd09a1b020d1187c6b4b264014a:disqus —it's my favorite line from the show.  Delivered to Aunt Esther, of course.

If all he had done is Jason & the Argonauts & Clash of the Titans, his legacy wold be secure.  But the fact that he was such a visionary, & influenced scores of filmmakers over the span of decades, makes Mr. Harryhausen one of the true giants of cinema, world-wide & all-time.  Requiescat in pace, vir optime.

Actually, I saw that as th epoint of leaving it anonymous.  If the writer REALLY thought it was a good, worthwhile service, he'd give his name.  The NYT piece seems to be trying to discredit Bruzzese (or at least present him as a philistine), so the non-endoresement "endorsement" works.

"Iago, you so ugly I could stick your face in some dough & make some gorilla cookies!"

Almost surprising they didn't use a different term, like "graytone".

Wait, I'm confused.  Who has the small penis, the man or the monkey?  This is already too complicated.

I am.  And stop calling me Shirley.

The AV Club:

She's adorkable!

Yes, really!

Yay, St. Paul!

Nice country.  I said, nice country!  People oughta look after a country like that, see nothing happens to it.

If we're reanimating the dead, might as well resurrect Cicero!

I have tried 30 different varieties of Sam Adams.  They make good to very good beer, even a few great ones. Don't fault them for being popular & having good marketing.

Sadly, his niece, young Clementine, signals the waning success of his character, a la Cousin Oliver.

Why would this bother Stewart or Colbert?  I don't see how this would affect them even a little.  Explain, please!

Huh.  Didn't think of that.  Still, I'll be watching Maron's pilot ep, but I doubt I'll watch Hardwick's (& I'm a fan).

Seems like he's come up with a pretty good way to make a living. He gets to enjoy & talk about what he loves, & he figured out how to monetize that.  Sounds like the perfect job.  Bully for him!