Clueless Neophyte

We don't even get Comedy Central. We pared down to basic, basic cable.  And even that we rarely watch live.  Pretty much the only TV I watch anymore is TiVo-ed or streaming.

Yes, this.  I really like Hardwick, myself—regular Nerdist podcast listener, even read his book—but whatever his CC show might be, I don't see how it'll be a fitting follow-up to Stewart & Colbert.  Those two shows' audiences are unlikely to stay up another half hour for this.

Nah, this won't be depressing.  IN fact, I bet it'll straight joyful.  The Boys had FUN doing what they did.  It won't make us forget MCA died, but this'll be a celebration, not a post mortem.

How can he be so skinny and live SO PHAT?

@avclub-ffc905126015cdc6758873970fb59828:disqus and @LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus : I'm aware that it has a name & that it's usually explained away by suggesting that you really have heard of this thing before, you just didn't notice until you heard about it twice in close succession.  And while I do think that sometimes

"the twilight of his relevance" is very charitable of you.

And yet, we the viewers can't continue with it.  That stranger at the door being turned away? That's us.

I've never seen his movies or heard his music, & based on what I've heard & read (& on his own cultivated image), I doubt they'd work for me, but dammit, that Rob Zombie is delightful!

And that final, single, deep piano note was perfect.

Sam Malone straightening Geronimo's portrait, walking over to the door & saying, "Sorry, we're closed" to an anonymous latecomer to that square Boston bar.

Saying "We heah at duh AV Club don't do none o' dat fancy thinkin' 'bout duh picha show" & "I realize your ignorant and easily offended" qualify as personal attacks.  The absolutism of some of your opinions also suggests that only your view is the valid one.  Another example:

This is one of those weird times when something I'd never heard of—literally just learned about Animal Style yesterday listening to Aisha Tyler interview Oscar Nuñez—recurs almost immediately.  The weirdest one for me was learning about Heloise & Abelard in a Medieval Latin class, & then seeing them referenced a few

It's not that you have an opinion, @avclub-5bbc67c39fbdf1c74e28b86c595f6e4a:disqus. It's that you engage in precisely what you are blaming others here for doing: You claim that others are just dumping on you for stating your opinion, but then proceed to say OTHERS' opinions are wrong.  Just one, really blatant,

I'm with you, & it'll be a cold day in hell before I ever use that title, but sadly, it IS a movie, now.  (Does Lucas have to fucking ruin EVERYthing?) But you really CAN'T say "1981’s Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark", because in 1981 it was just called Raiders Of The Lost Ark, dammit  I will likewise

And yet I'm always impressed that stoners can even remember what day it is, let alone organize any kind of festival for a specific day.

Seeing Emma Watson do something so different from Hermione is a draw for me as well.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus : The lady Sif?  Yes, please!

More like substituteS, amirite, brah?

I haven't seen it, but based on the reviews & other commentary "overwhelmingly OK" seems to capture it.  I really wanted it to be at least very good, if not great, but I can't say I'm surprised that it turned out mediocre.  I *should* be surprised, because the true story should have been a home run (yeah, sorry about

I've never seen the movie, but I did once randomly catch a (the?) bookstore scene on TV, a couple two/three years ago.  Not knowing what it was, I watched the scene just because it was JCM.