Clueless Neophyte

Platoon for me, too, though I can't say I remember him in it, or remember many specifics about it at all.  I saw it in maybe '89 or 90 (when I was in school, anyways), but haven't seen it again since.  Been meaning to, of course, but….

There's no "to me" about it—she was objectively beautiful in her (healthy) prime.

Portnoy's Complaint is Lucifer's favorite book.

Seriously.  I never get why people feel the need to brag about their ignorance, especially when enlightenment is at their fingertips.  If this short piece is too little info, click through to the Elle piece, or, you know, look them up on wikipedia.  If you don't CARE to know who they are, fine, but please refrain from


Exhibit A: Hugh Grant & Elizabeth Hurley

Well, the Pacer at least had a cuteness factor (agruably).  AMC's Gremlin was uglier.

An unqualified success, that plan.

I don't remember that, but it's hardly surprising, given American corporate culture.  It's funny—we have the impression that corporations have gotten WORSE, but that's probably just better reporting.  They've ALWAYS been shitty, & have ALWAYS tried to get away with whatever they could.  A real eye-opener, e.g., is the

I remember that.  There was a design flaw, a protruding bolt between the rear bumper & the gas tank that was basically aimed at the gas tank.  I rear-impact collision could push that bolt into the tank quickly, & the metal-on-metal contact sometimes sparked, whence the boom.  I'm sure they eventually fixed that flaw,

Also, Juggs magazine

My avatar is just me run through the old Simpsonizer.  Probably looks enough like the real me that you could pick me out of a line-up.

Gonna go out on a limb here & guess that maybe that's why they were hired.  That, & their rock-solid journalistic credentials.

I was unfamiliar with that one @avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus .  Damn, that is pure genius.

My older brother got Love Gun at the same time.  So I'm thinking they must have been Christmas presents.  Kinda funny to realize that my parents bought KISS albums for a 9- & 7-year old, for Christmas, no less. Considering those titles, & especially considering those album covers—especially Love Gun—I have to hand it

Yup, '76, though I didn't get it that early, though I know I got it by the time I was 8 ('78) because my dad was still living with us.

The first album I remember owning is KISS Destroyer, which I think I got as a gift.  I wouldn't exactly say I still consider it "essential", but I do still unapologetically & unironically loves me some KISS.

My first cassette purchase for my first walkman—A Panasonic, portable, but still big & heavy enough that it came with a shoulder strap—was The Who Meaty Beaty Big & Bouncy.  Got it in 7th grade ('82-'83) & only replaced it (CD) a year or two ago.  I had that Panasonic rig till I went off to college.