Clueless Neophyte




@avclub-0f7a7a779f5c0634aace1a350df2d833:disqus re "I half agree with Hitchcock that good books tend not to make good films":  To an extent I would agree, though I would modify that slightly to say that GOOD books can make good (or even great) films, but GREAT books tend not to make good films.

I think he meant that viewers gave it an F, not critics.  My memory is that Soderbergh's version got middling reviews.

I haven't seen either film, nor read the book, but it does get me thinking: Any chance the AV Club could revive the old "Book v. Film" feature?  Those were always really interesting—both the articles & the comments—and Solaris would seem to lend itself to the format quite well.

I find Alison Brie attractive.  I enjoy looking at pictures & watching clips of her.

So, you add the diacritical mark so we don't accidentally pronounce "doing" like "BOING"?  And you want us to say "Seriöusly" (from your above post) like "ser-i-o-usly"?

There's no reason you can't like both!

Obviously you haven't seen the stump & bull.

My father blamed me once.

I haven't seen either since they were released*, & while I enjoyed them very much, I really don't know if they'd hold up, & I kind of doubt they would.  Wayne's World came out when I was in college—pretty much the perfect age for it—& I went out to see it with a bunch of friends—pretty much the perfect way to see it.

And Leonard Pierce.

Sir 'Arry, though lately created a knight,
Is unable to order his h's aright.
He expounds the wise views of a "man of haffairs"
Or explains "'ow 'e 'ates haristocracy's hairs".
(To his mother, née 'Awkins, he owes, I expect,
This unpleasant, invincible vocal defect.)
His victims had looked for a respite at least
While Sir


I might have, @avclub-517f24c02e620d5a4dac1db388664a63:disqus , till she blew it all on a stupid Iron Throne replica.

Now THAT's puttin' on the ritz!