Clueless Neophyte

The video resolution is poor, but what you can see of the dancers they look pretty damn cute.

That would indeed be highly illogical.

Holy shit.  That was….  That was just….

Agreed.  Also, as I recall it, the camera cuts away pretty quickly once the tree rapes her, but lingers over the pencil stab (which includes a bit of rotation/grind-in).


No, that was good!  Embrace the terrible, inappropriate puns!

This is a trend we see all over, @avclub-3521a3a5bcfea0fe1189f8bc13af1f99:disqus—the idea that any & every opinion is equally valid.  Partly, I think this is a natural side-effect of just having so damn much space & time to fill in a 24/7/365 news (& "news") world that now goes far, far beyond newspapers, radio, &

No no no—it fits perfectly.  Because Slayer is more nourishing & keeps you regular.

Why? I think she would have kicked McConnell's ass all over the Commonwealth. Partly because he's that unlikable, partly because she's not. And it doesn't hurt that she's attractive—which, again, he's not—& has ties to country music.

I love how righties scoff any any whiff of celebrity among Democrats while conveniently forgetting the likes of Schwartzenegger & Reagan (& to a lesser extent, Eastwood, & to a much lesser extent, Fred Grandy), neither of whom could have reasonably been considered a serious pol when he first ran (& with Ahnuld, still).

Cookie_Monster, bitches.

Same as the Nickelback cracks above—Limp Bizkit is aggressively terrible, & Fred Durst is a worse human being than even Scott Stapp, & that's saying something.  LB wins this one in a walk.

What does that even MEAN?

I actually would.  They both suck, but Limp Bizkit is aggressively awful, IMO.  I could at least endure Nickelback—not sure I could say the same about LB.

I'd probably be relieved that my coma was apparently very brief.  After I found out that almost 2 decade had slipped past me, THEN I would say "Good night" and die.

They might have worked for me, if they had come along when I was younger, but I was already done with college & grad school & was already a working grown-up when LB hit it big.  I'll admit to not hating them—if an LB song came on the radio I'd leave it on—but I never even considered purchasing any of their music.


He brags about selling 40 million albums?  I bet at least that many people asked the very same question, @avclub-6adbe8b2ab3a52e619c526eff905468a:disqus.  And twice as many will never ever hear this "news", their apathy level towards this clown is so non-existant.

And that's really saying something!
