Clueless Neophyte

Wait'll they get a load of ME!

I'm gonna go out on a limb & suggest that maybe, just maybe, the author of this piece doesn't really understand Batman.



In the pics attached to that article she seems to be trying to open her eyes REALLY wide—it's a little unsettling.  I haven't seen her in person since high school (we share a few facebook friends, so I see her posts now & then), but in HS she was seriously hot, but not a snob or a "mean girl".  We weren't really

Have you been to Pompeii, Colonel?  If you haven't, you really should, & be sure to check out the lupanar!

I got that for a birthday or maybe Christmas some years ago but haven't gotten around to it.  I've heard some mixed reviews, but I'm sure I'll read it eventually.

The Year of the Four Emperors was an anomaly, & so really shouldn't serve as a basis for assessing the role of the Imperial Senate.  Of course, the Senate was more powerful during the Republic (duh), but it stayed important through at least the 3rd century.  Note that all the good/successful Emperors worked well &

TO: Science
FROM: Hollywood

The Greeks didn't.

Herculaneum had the bad sense to get covered in hot mud & lava.  Pompeii was smart enough to be covered in ash & pumice.  So a lot more of Pompeii has been excavated, since it mostly involved removing what's now soil instead of hacking through a 70-odd-foot layer of rock.  You can't blame Pompeii just because

Too bad the screenplay is crappy.  I just found out that one of the screen writers is a girl I went to high school with: http://readingeagle.com/art…

Romans on TV & in movies just don't sound right without English accents.  Thanks, Shakespeare & I, Claudius!

The link from the main page makes it look like the movie is called Everybody Has a Plan C.

Followed by Mupp3ts, Mu44ets, & Muppet5.

"Never have I seen such abuse of the take-a-penny, leave-a-penny tray!"

You, sir, are an evil mastermind.

This bums me out.  I saw Michelle Shocked twice in the early-to-mid '90s—once in Athens at the 40-Watt, once in DC at the Birchmere—and they were among the better live shows I've seen.  At the Athens gig, she was selling & signing the (now ironically titled) Kind-Hearted Woman CD, & I still have my signed copy.

Also @ @avclub-6c6094f256f51e83fe02bce6091163e7:disqus : Looking at the 4 Grand Duchesses, none of them are bad looking, though the two youngest (Maria & Anastasia) are maybe too young to assess for hotness.  I'd call Olga more cute or pretty than hot: http://upload.wikimedia.org… .  Maybe the one you though looked