Clueless Neophyte

Thanks—and god luck to you, too!  If we ever got on the show & faced each other, we'd never know!

Thanks, @avclub-230e46d19fe78a6c8dc715659a7188d7:disqus!  I've never been to KC before, & though I'll really one have one full day there, I hope to get out & about a bit.  Any specific recommendations for things to do and/or places to see?

Hey, how about that!  Thanks!

My audition is in May, & I've been trying to come up with stuff.  I don't even remember what I used when I auditioned a few years back.  Where's your audition, @avclub-47841cc9e552bd5c40164db7073b817b:disqus ?  I have to drive from the Twin Cities to Kansas City, the closest option.

Yeah, his going-away cake will have "DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN THE ASS ON THE WAY OUT, EH!" on it.

There used to be a regular AV Clubber with that handle.

Eh, I'm good either way.

Fast reflexes, sure, but you still have to know the answer.  It's really more timing than speed, IMO.  They told us at the audition that buzzing before the exact right moment locks YOUR buzzer for a few seconds, letting the others get in ahead of you when the frame DOES light up.

I made it into the contestant pool a few years back but never got called for the show.  But I passed the online quiz & have an audition in May, so here's hoping!  If I get on the show I'll do my best to work an AV Club reference in there.  And maybe mention my wife and/or kids.

Habemus Hostam Hospitem!

I believe you meant either your criterion is, or your criteria are.


So, in other words, he'd be perfect.

@avclub-22ccdfd754d960a956f6c93089a0e196:disqus : Same here—I made it to the list a few years back but never got the call.  I knew I wouldn't, when one of the guys in my group told his story.  They ask you what you'd do with the $$ if you won, & this guy says he needs the $$ because he resigned his college

Rush, bitches.

What do Italian flat tires sound like?

So what did you do, @avclub-d783823cc6284b929c2cd8df2167d212:disqus ?  Just type some spaces?

I was in college from '88-'92 (yeah, I'm old), when The Connells were almost as big as they ever got, touring behind Fun & Games, but they were still basically a college band, so I got to see them twice in the Great Hall at Mary Washington College in Fredericksburg, VA (& a third time, opening for the Hoodoo Gurus at

For some reason we had a Mandrill LP at my house when I was a kid.  My dad was married before he married my mom & had 2 daughters—I think it belonged to the younger one, but why it was our house when they never lived with us I couldn't guess.  Anyways, I'm sure it wasn't my parents'.  The inner sleeve art—with