Captain Oblivious

Strangely enough, there was also a version on "Play", a compilation of children's song. It was like kid indie rock. There was even a Mudhoney song on there.

e.g., i.e. fuck you.

I'm sure Nabin is tired, but this was one of the worst-written posts ever. Some of the sentences just didn't make sense.

Ah the good old AV Club cliche: a something-something delivery system for something something.

I think Rise of the Apes might be the best, but it just wasn't one of those that came on as often. I don't think it's even out on DVD. Plus I once watched while on LSD, so it became the funniest thing ever in the history of man.

Tell that to Ronnie James Dio.

Dammit, you beat me to it.

I wonder how his wife on Young and the Restless figured out he wasn't white.

I thought for sure Carl would shoot Shane.

My biggest problem with Shane is that he just doesn't LOOK like a Southerner. He looks like he should be playing a low-level gangster on the Sopranos.

War Eagle, Marcus from an AU fan and Huntsville resident.

UM-OSU isn't as good to me because the schools are in two different states. Michigan fans don't necessarily live and work with Buckeye fans, and vice versa. AU and UA are in the same state, a small state, and your friends and colleagues are fans of one or the other.

YES! That episode of Greatest American Hero where the guy gets electrocuted and comes back as a hitchhiker ghost. They pass him twice on the road, and then he appears in the back of their car. That scared the shit out of me. I never watched the show again.

I really like We Hate Movie's content, but I have to admit the one guy with the lisp gets on my nerves. I just can't get past it.

I kind of agree. I had to just turn it off after 20 minutes. Their ideas were just such freshman year horseshit.

Would an affable redneck be known as an "Affleck?"

Just reading the review made me angry. It's simply the dumbest show on TV.

When I was in high school
all the comic book guys wanted to be Jim Lee or Todd McFarlane, or Simon Bisley if you were a little twisted. Now all the aspiring artists want to be whatever anonymous artists draw the Japanese romance/fantasy comics. I don't know if that's good, bad, or indifferent, it's just what I've


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Kiss me twice