Captain Oblivious

Yeah, that would have been really funny if it was funny…which it wasn't.

Smegtacular, the Babel fish/God part was in the movie. It was one of the animated bits from the Guide.

My favorite was when Burns had to answer the phone for himself and he answered it "Ahoy, ahoy."

Hey Moon!
I walked on your face!

I swear at one point in Yellow Ledbetter he says, "I don't know what this song's about."

No love for Harlem Nights? It would be a really good movie if it were 20-30 minutes shorter.

I liked " I need somebody white to carve the turkey."

Do you think Superman's funny? He's got super-strength, super hearing, I'm sure he's got super humor.

Sounds like she's been dancing with Mr. Brownstone
Get it? Cuz her company is called…and the Guns n Roses song, and…sigh.

My wife loved the Sopranos, but I can't get her to come around on The Godfather or Goodfellas.

I guess that's better than one ugly monkey farmer.

I think Nick DiPaolo's points were his own. He's so hard-core he almost seems like a parody of a right-wing comic.

It's one ugly motherfucker, not son of a bitch.

Elaine in the building
I think Jerry felt like Elaine would kind of cramp his style, and be hanging around all the time. It wasn't a sexual thing.

This show is losing me.
The challenges are kind of stupid, the judges are kind of stupid, the contestants are kind of stupid ( except for Abdi, Miles, and maybe Peregrine), and we never get to actually SEE the artwork.

What happened to the winners getting prizes?
They used to get at least a bottle of wine or a book or something, now they get diddly-squat.

Jerry and George had beers when George thought his parents were moving to Florida. Or Flah-rida, as they say it.

I agree. I really liked the landscape she did. It was the perfect mood.

I really wonder about the judges
I thought Miles' cover was a great idea, and looked really cool, and I liked Abdi's too. The judges seem to get really bowled over by obvious, cliched stuff.

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