Captain Oblivious

It smells like Bigfoot's dick!

Can you believe all these freaks who eat their own poop?

My wife and I had tickets to see them in Birmingham, but it was an outdoor show, the weather was cold, rainy, and sleety, and Auburn was playing #1 Florida. I still regret missing that show, but Auburn won, so it was worth it.


I think what put his sculpture in the top 3 were the subleties of it like the position of the "head" and the posture of the body. It was a cliche image, but there was also a lot of personality in it.

There's nothing worse on Earth than a drum circle. I'd rather witness genocide than a bunch of dreadlocked assholes playing the same fucking beat for 25 minutes.

The videos
Were all those videos filmed on the same day?

Art school grads who had never seen screenprinting? I doubt it.

I loved how they edited the puzzled looks when Miles was washing out his screen, like none of those people had ever done, or even seen, screemprinting before.

I'm an art teacher and part-time artist, and I've found that most people who play into the "artist" stereotype are trying way too hard. They're not overly talented, but they want everyone to notice them.

Maybe it's just me
but I never liked Andy Kubert. I always thought his faces looked kind of flat, and he was trying too hard to be Jim Lee.

It seemed appropriate.

We're back!
Better than ever! We're back! Together forever!

Start with X-Force #1, West Coast Avengers, The Spider-Man Clone Saga, and really anything Rob Liefeld ever did.

I agree with you King Bastard. I don't even really like metal, but I read this column just to read names like Municipal Waste, Gorguts, and Melechech.

Alive is the most fun song to play on Rock Band 2, how bout that.

How can this even be true?
Nothing about the existence of this book seems possible in any way.

Spider-Man and his Amzing Friends may be the worst/best cartoon ever made. It was really only good for inspiring you to go out and pretend to be Spider-Man or Iceman, or Firestar if you swung that way.

It should have been the Kickin' Karate Kommandos

You are an angel headed for a land of sunshine, and fortune is smiling upon you.