Captain Oblivious


Having babies just makes you realize how fucking stupid your dogs are.

I loved the little finger point Jack gave Kenneth after he made a joke about the peacock having a relationship with Liz.

I didn't realize it was sucessful. I'm sure it didn't live up to the high standards of Growing Pains.

What about Growing Pains?
Wasn't there an episode where all of a sudden Mike's high school football or basketball coach had 8 daughters that had never been seen before, and they based a whole episode around them?

This is why I love AV Club
On an episode that seems to be mostly about putting pieces in place and creating tensions, Noel does some awesome analysis of the characters and themes (noticing things I would have never considered myself). Well done, sir.

That's the truth, the motherfuckin' truth, my man.

Of course you don't like it, you're the devil.

I'll defend Out of Sight. For pure chemistry between the leads, there's probably no better movie on the list. Plus it's got Albert Brooks.

Strange trivia
Shawn Levy played the psycho teenager Tommy in the MST 3K classic Zombie Nightmare. More proof that nothing good ever comes out of Canada.

What's really weird is that this man (Watterson) who had such a wonderful understanding of childhood could be such a prick.

Oh yeah, and War Eagle.

I might believe a word this article says
if the governor of our fair, albeit quite rednecky, state wasn't named BOB RILEY.

The first Scream was pretty good, it just wasn't very scary, which is kinda important for a horror movie.

Anytime I see the word "Mother", I have to say it like Danzig.

Get a hit, Crash.

I hated the end of League of Their Own. Geena Davis blows the game so her whiny-ass sister can feel better about herself. What about her teammates? I guess they don't matter.

No, I'm just sayin…that is, aheh-heh…uhhhhh.

I don't know if it's on the same album, but I used to love the bit where he talked about trying to be quiet and fight with his brother at the same time.

Denis Leary is a fan of Lou Dobbs. If that doesn't make you never want to see him again, then nothing will.